Augusto Sellhorn wrote:
Richard S. Hall wrote:
Augusto Sellhorn wrote:The only time I'm aware I'm using blueprint is when extending shell commands (OSGI-INF/blueprint), I'm assuming every time I have a spring context (META-INF/spring)in OSGi that's Spring DM but you seem to imply Blueprint has integration with Spring ...
It seems you are getting confused between Spring and Spring DM. Spring != Spring DM.
It is more accurate to say Spring DM is basically equivalent to Blueprint. Spring DM provided the starting point for creating the OSGi Blueprint spec, so they are not identical, but very similar.
What is Blueprint (or Spring DM, for that matter)? It integrates the Spring bean model with the OSGi platform. It allows you to package Spring beans inside bundles and for Spring beans to publish their interfaces into the OSGi service registry and to be injected with services from the OSGi service registry. That's pretty much it.
That's what I'm doing, in my spring context I'm registering OSGi services like this ...
Is this Spring DM or Blueprint? I'm thinking it's Spring DM, since the state of this bundle under the "spring" column shows as failed if there's an error in it.
zb cong wrote:thanks for answer, i have tried every possibilities. all fail. i conclude the first problem is the usage of join key word:
so i conclude that it is MANDATORY that there MUST be reference between two entities if i want to join them, is my understanding correct?