Prasad Babu

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Recent posts by Prasad Babu

Hi Jayesh,

Thanks for the reply. But I cannot ask my manager or my IT team to increase memory each time it get large heap dumps. Any other suggestions / solution?

With regards,
12 years ago

I have to analyse large heap dump file (3.6GB) from production environment. However if open it in eclipse mat, it is giving OutOfMemoryError. I tried to increase eclipse workbench java heap size as well. But it doesnt help. I also tried with visualVM as well. Can we split the heap dump file into small size? Or is there any way to set max heap dump file size for jvm options so that we collect reasonable size of heap dumps.

12 years ago
Hi Eric,

Thanks for your reply. The code I have used is

Now this is not working in IE7.

Any suggestions...

Thanks in advance.
Hi Bear Bibeault,

Thanks your reply.

But it was working in IE6. Any workaround on this.

Thanks in Advance,

With regards,
Prasad babu

In my application, user session will be invalidated if user closes window. If user reload page, session will not be invalidated. So I want to findout whether onUnload event triggered by reload page or window close.

Any workaround on this regard. Please find below my sample code. The logoff.html has code to invalidate session. Its working almost in IE but not in FireFox.

Thanks in advance,
Prasad Babu.
Hi Eric,

Thank you for the reply.
I tried by adding attachEvent trick but it could not help me out. Please let me know how to create our own select elements using div? any example?

Thanks in advance,

Can I use attchEvent / addEventListener method to add event to option tag, if so how do I add?

Thanks in advance,
Hi Eric,

I've multiple select box with specific predefined width. If text within an option is longer than width , can we show something like toolTip on Mouseover of that option. I want to show the tooltip on Mouse Over that is before selecting the option. And here I want to implement my own tooltip functionallity. I dont want default windows title attribute to show tooltip.

Thanks in advance,
Hi Herman,

Thank you very much for your kind reply. It was more helpful to understand the problem. But I dont have any clue to resolve my problem as it is very huge to modify the styles in entire web application.

Thank you,

In our webapplication, we have used the HTML tables for the layouts and used CSS styles. Currently we don't have the HTML DOCTYPE declaration. Now we want atleast loose.dtd HTML DOCTYPE declaration. When I use this declaration, all layouts in the application get disturbed..i.e. look and feel is very bad and the layout is very zig-zag. I think the problem could be with CSS properties like width and padding. If it is so, it is very tedious job to handle in entire web application. Any easy way? I heard that this problem can be called as "Defective Box Model".

Please tell me how to resolve this problem.

Thanks in advance,
Hi Eric,

In our web application, one of the HTML anchor link is rendered dynamically. The value of href could be more than the maximum permissible(i.e.more than 2080 characters) URL length in some cases. I dont have any clue when it can be more length than maximum. Whenever this happens the browser is not displaying the page. I know we have to take care of the URL length while redndering itself...but as I dont have clue when it will happen, I am helpless. Could you please tell me How can I resolve this situation?

Thanks in advance,
[ March 08, 2007: Message edited by: Prasad Babu Dandu ]

I think you can do it without Ajax technique. Do the following...

1. First create a simple JSP where you will check the current session. If session is there, invalidate it and if not do nothing. but the page should be closed on body load like <body on load="window. close()">. The session checking code should be before this body tag. The result JSP some thing like this

2. Then use on unload event in JSPs try to call one javascript function logout()


Then see the magic.

Good luck.
[ November 29, 2006: Message edited by: Prasad Babu Dandu ]
18 years ago
Hi All,

In my web application there are some links to open in popup window. If the popup already opened and if I am trying to open another there should be a warning like massage to confirm the user to go further i.e. to visit the new location in same popup window. here I want the warning message.if the user accepts to navigate the popup will be loaded with new location else no.

is it possible? if so how?

Thanks in advance.
[ August 28, 2006: Message edited by: Prasad Babu Dandu ]
Hi Eric,

Yes you are right.

With regards,

No one stop you to write inner classes in JSP

With regards,
18 years ago