Scheepers de Bruin

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Recent posts by Scheepers de Bruin

If you only need to check for .com versus .org, you don't really need to build the entire url, the request.getServerName() should contain the .com or .org bits.
18 years ago

tests wether both point to the same object. (Object identity)
e.g. string1 = string2 = "value";

tests whether two seperate objects contain the same value
e.g. string1 = new String("value"); string2 = new String("value");
[ October 18, 2006: Message edited by: Scheepers de Bruin ]
18 years ago
There is no such element in HTML.

If you need the functionality, you _have_ to fake it.

You might make a hidden text field that lies on top of a normal select, and when the select is clicked twice (NOT double clicked - clicked, and then after a pause is clicked again), show the textbox populated with the select's value.

When the textbox loses focus, hide it again.

Hope it helps...
[ October 17, 2006: Message edited by: Scheepers de Bruin ]
18 years ago
Write a servlet that is called when is requested, and in the doGet and doPost methods:

18 years ago
'k. Scratch that.

The web container possibly lives WITH the web server.
(And they have two ADORABLE puppies and garden gnomes)
18 years ago
The web container lives INSIDE the web server.

The web server can serve straight forward files like HTML and images that require no processing.

The web container, on the other hand handles special resources that require server processing, like .jsp

The web server receives the request. If the request requires special processing, it hands the request to the web container that calls the relevant resource, like a servlet, to handle the request. The resource generates a response, sticks something typically HTML (might be an image) in it, and hands it to the server. The server sends it back to the requestor.
18 years ago
There is a ServletContext method that returns the absolute or real path given a relative path.

You can use myServlet.getServletContext() to get to the ServletContext

Check the API for the exact method.

Hope this is at least a pointer in the right direction.
18 years ago
Have you thought about putting a text field in your gui that accepts commands?

That way you can have both gui and command line functionality.
18 years ago
It's a bit difficult out of context...

Could you post a bit more, just to understand all that is referred to?
18 years ago
Ok I think I understand what's going wrong:

When you click on a trigger, your page that displays the country code selectbox has the previously selected value automatically selected, even if you've clicked on a different trigger?

If that's the case, it might be because of "smart" browsers that remember field values.

Does your page that displays the country codes get requested with the same URL for all the triggers?

If so one way to get around that is to add some random number parameter to the urls you use.

18 years ago
Every web page should have a title tag in the header of the page that ends up in the title bar of the browser. This page's looks like this:

Just put whatever string you want to display in the titlebar between the title tags and viola!
(I do not, however, know how to get rid of the browser name that gets appended to the title)
18 years ago
Try using the readonly attribute?

input tag attributes

If all else fails, an approach that I've used (with some success) before:
make a div element look like an input using css, and have a hidden input that stores the actual value.
Try using a doctype declaration in stead?

<xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" "">

will allow:
(PCDATA - parseable character data... I think)

but NOT:
(PCDATA and item elements)

where as

will allow:

and even:
See that's because it is DATA. What's to prevent any system from confusing that "<STRONG>", that is data, with an actual xml tag?

The < and > get converted into entities for exactly that reason. If your xml requires the <STRONG> tag, make it part of your xml, and not your data. If not, you have to live with the conversion.