sanjib kumar mandal

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since Jul 20, 2005
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Recent posts by sanjib kumar mandal

Hi All,
i am able to create the simple .rptdesign file by using birt design api but i need to create complex design file that will take the data from the table using mysql query and create the .rptdesign file.


i have a table in database called candprof_mast_tab in that table there are different columns called candidateName, candidateEmailId,candidateAddress etc., i need to get the chart of how many candidate has been verified against how many has not bee varified. and also exel report for candidatename and emailid.

for this kind of chart and excel report where to write the sql query and how does the result set will be get for excel report.

where to set the jdbc connection parameters.

please help me if possible please send me some sample code.

Thanks and regards
17 years ago
Dear All,
I want to get some information about javascript compatibility in firefox.As we know some javascript functions should not work in firefox but it should work in IE browser.Is there any list of javascript functions are available those do not work in firefox 1.5.

please reply me as soon as possible.

Dear All,
I want to get some information about JBOSS instalation in windows and Unix/linux.
I am placing my queries below:

(1) Can it be possible to install jboss in all the versions of windows.

(2) Can it be possible to install Jboss in all the Version of linux/unix.
If it is possible can you tell me the steps of installation.

Please reply back as soon as possible

Thanks and Regards
18 years ago
Dear All,
I want to get some information about installation of tomcat and jboss in linux for owr web application. As we know that there different linux product available in the market such as Redhat linux, SUSE Enterprise linux and sun solaris with different versions.
Can it be possible to install the tomcat or JBOSS in all the linux versions.If it is possible can you tell me how to install the tomcat in linux. Also i want to know whether there is same procedure for to intall the tomcat in all the versions.Can i use the internet explorer 6.x and Firefox 1.5 as the browser for the application with tomcat or JBOSS installed in linux.

Please reply me back as soon as possible.

Thanks and regards
18 years ago
Dear All,
I need some information about tomcat web server which i want to use in different operating systems for an web application.
I am placing my queries below:
(1) Can we use tomcat and JBOSS in all the windows version(win 98, win 98SE, win ME, Win NT, Win 2000, Win XP, WIN 2003). If it is possible to use in all the windows version then please tell me where should i change to run the tomcat and JBOSS in all the windows version.
(2) can we use tomcat and JBOSS for RedHat Linux ES3.0, SUSE Enterprise Linux 9.0, Sun Solaris 8 and 9 or for other versions of red hat linux and suse linux. If it is possible can you please tell that whether for all the version of linux, tomcat and JBOSS intallation procedure is same.How can we install tomcat and JBOSS in linux.
(3)I want to know whether the fireFox 1.5 can be used with any window version.Is there any problem that may happen while using the fireFox 1.5 in windows operating system.

Please send me the answers of the above queries as soon as possible

Thanks and Regards
18 years ago
Hi All,
I have jsp page called login.jsp where the user can input his userID and Password and a signIn link is given.The user can move the cursor from userId to password by using the tab key and user can also move to the signIn link by using the tab key and then user have to use the enter key to go to the next page.But my problem is if i enter the password after entered the userid and do not use tab key instead use the enter key the control is not going to the signIn link.

Please help me to solve the problem.
The part of code that i have used in jsp page is given below:

<tr class="whitebg">
<td height="25" valign="middle" ><a href="javaScript:goTologinAction()" class="btnlink">Sign in </a></td>


Thanks and regards
Dear All,
Please help me for java coding using Prize Tags. Below i have written the java code that i have used in jsp page.

In this below code the the tree is already build in the ontology object and we are retrieving the tree. Let the tree be in the form like the rootnode is "thing" and child nodes are A,B,C,D. Suppose we want to create achild A1 with in node A and then we want to create a child A2 within the node A1. When we have created child A1 we are getting the parent A using session where the A stored for first case similarly we are obtaining A1, A and thing nodes(these are parent nodes) by using ITreeNode and ITree interface methods. But i want to highligt the parent under which i want to create the child for that i have used
select() method ,suppose i want to create a child with in A ie A1 for this i want to highlight the node A and for this i have used the method select(A) but the node A is not being highlighted insted the root node which is "thing" is being higligted.

if(session.getAttribute("tree.modelWb") == null && session.getAttribute("ontologyWb")!=null)
OWLOntology ontology = (OWLOntology)session.getAttribute("ontologyWb");
ITree tree = TreeBuilder.getTree(ontology);
System.out.println("The parent is "+(String)session.getAttribute("selectedParent"));
ITreeNode nodeName= tree.findNode((String)session.getAttribute("selectedParent"));
String assgnParent=(String)session.getAttribute("selectedParent");

String parentName="";
if(nodeName !=null){
ITreeNode parentNode;
ITreeNode parentNodeName=nodeName;
String parenNam=parentNode.getName();
if(session.getAttribute("selectedParent") !=null)
System.out.println("++++++ the selected node is :+++++++" +(String)session.getAttribute("selectedParent"));

session.setAttribute("tree.modelWb", tree);

With Regards
18 years ago
Hi all,
I have a string that contains different numbers that i have broken in different substring and appended as dd/mm/yyyy which denotes a date.

suppose i have a string s=" jan 06,2005"
and i have broken it to sub string jan , 06, 2005.
now i want to give this substring such as jan, 06, 2005 as input and i want to get date according to the geography.
is there any class that we can use so that it can be passed as an input and output will be geographic specific.

suppose we can pass the substring jan , 06,2005 or like dd/mm/yyyy(06/01/2005) but if the geographic area is USA then it will return the string in mm/dd/yyyy(01/06/2005) format.

please send me the code .

I am sending the code what i have below but not getting the desired output.

import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;

public class DateFormating {

static public void displayDate(Locale currentLocale) {
// string anotherday i want to send and the desired output will be according to the geographic area.
String anotherday="jan 05,2005";
Date today;
String result;
SimpleDateFormat formatter;

formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yy", currentLocale);
today = new Date(anotherday);
result = formatter.format(today);

System.out.println("Locale: " + currentLocale.toString());
System.out.println("Result: " + result);

static public void displayPattern(String pattern, Locale currentLocale) {

Date today;
SimpleDateFormat formatter;
String output;

formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, currentLocale);
today = new Date();
output = formatter.format(today);

System.out.println(pattern + " " + output);

static public void main(String[] args) {

Locale[] locales = {
new Locale("fr","FR"),
new Locale("de","DE"),
new Locale("en","IND")

for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) {

String[] patterns = {


for (int k = 0; k < patterns.length; k++) {
//changed the content with in Locale from "en","US" to "en","IND"
displayPattern(patterns[k], new Locale("en","IND"));


With Regards
19 years ago