Dave Salter

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since Jul 20, 2005
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Recent posts by Dave Salter


From the error it looks like you might be trying to deploy your app when WildFly isn't running. Do you have an instance of WildFly running on localhost?
10 years ago

If you check out JSF Central (http://jsfcentral.net), you will find lots of free resources.
13 years ago

If you use JSF with EJB 3.x and JPA, that will probably accomplish what you want.
13 years ago
It may sound obvious, but is minDate null?

If it shouldn't be, how are you referencing it in your JSF page?
13 years ago
How are you accessing the page? Are you going via the faces mapping or are you going directly to the jsp, e.g.

/faces/page.jsp or
13 years ago
What does your datasource file look like? Have you deployed it to the server\<config>\deploy directory?
17 years ago
Is your getInstance() method invoking some code in a different Jar file that is possibly incompatible with one that ships with JBoss?
17 years ago
What is it you want to pool? DataSources? If so, they are automatically pooled via JBoss if you get your datasource connections via JNDI.

You then get a datasource with something like:

17 years ago
If you go to the "NetBeans Update Center Beta" within NB5.5, you can download OC4J support.
You should be able to look up the bean's remote home interface and then call create() to create an instance of the bean.

I've deleted the post - I didn't know about the delete option inside the edit page.
18 years ago

I've accidentally posted twice in the EJB & other J2EE forum on the same post (UBB gave an error so I re-submitted)


Can one of the moderators please remove this post as I don't want to artificially inflate my chances of winning !
18 years ago
Hi, thanks for the reply.

I think one of the benefits of EJB 3 is the use of annotations, but I like the idea of storing vendor specific stuff in XML files. That would give a complete separation of vendor specifics and standard stuff.

Presumably in EJB 3 xml files, the vendor specific stuff is stored in files like jboss-web.xml or sun-web.xml which have vendor specific filenames?
Thanks for the reply, your posting about DTOs makes sense. Do you cover any details about other patterns in the book (or your blog)?

I'm familiar with J2EE 1.4 apps, and am really interested in which patterns don't make sense when using EJB 3.