Poornima Shankar

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since Jul 21, 2005
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Recent posts by Poornima Shankar

Well that is one big stack trace !!!
Looks like one of your application out of the deployment is causing the problem. "HUGE" stack trace says that Jboss default server has no problem, but while trying to deploy it is getting choked!. Remove all your deployments and add one by one you will know which one i guess.
17 years ago
Thanks a lot. This works amzingly cool!
Just followed what you said. To summarize I created a custom port mapping into a xml file and pointed to that file in my xxservice.xml

17 years ago
Ok, is there no way that i can do this without editing the server files? , i mean can i save the changes by editing via web console, just like WASD or weblogic console feature?

Thank you
17 years ago
I am using jboss4.x. I tried to edit all the port configuration for my customized server using JMX console. While it allowed me to Apply changes i made, but when i restarted the server, all vanished!

Is there something else i need to do for jmx-console to save the changes i made?

: thank you
17 years ago
What will be the state of the application while deployment happens and the server is hit with the request, will this request gets server? I am trying to analyze Jboss4.x in production environment.

Thank you
17 years ago
What is the best way (without shutting down the JBOSS server ) to deploy in production environment.
I have been using JBOSS 3.X and i had faced several problems while doing hotdeployment (move the deployment to deploy folder without server restart). Since JBOSS 4.X is available, I want to know whether this has been made easier? or is there any other way of deployment without bringing the server down

Thank you
17 years ago
Which Eclipse plug-in for JBOSS to use, I need to debug
17 years ago
I have been using UML versions 1.XX. And also recenlty used 2.0 for drawing the diagrams, but really didnot get what exactly the diferences.
Can someone highlight on whats new in UML2.0 which are not in earlier versions?
This is a class loader, holding the pointer to the stale code it seams..and this bug has been fixed in JBOSS4 i believe..
17 years ago
Looking for US job in java/j2ee technology, expertised on wblogic/websphere appserver with java/jsp/servlet/struts frame work and EJB2.0, currently working at India, Got valid b1 visa

Please contact me for suitable job at US

oornima (dspoornima@yahoo.com)
17 years ago
Can any one share some real world example where the objects returned from the DataBase by the resultset, are shared by more than one Applicaiton clients?
How to disable CLOSE (X) button on a popup window using javascript. I have logout in popup so that automatically closes. but i do not want the user to use CLOSE button on the title bar.
Could you give some links to good mock tests online?
Thank you
Hi Arun
Which center did u hear the discount rate from?
Am in Bangalore
Thank you