Ryan Nguyen

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since Jul 23, 2005
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Recent posts by Ryan Nguyen

Thank you very much Andrew, I will try to do it ! Do you have any ebook talks about JSP ?

Once again, thank you for your help so much !

Best Regards,
18 years ago

At the local PC, i have used TOMCAT, version 5.5.9 to test my helloworld.jsp.

At the local PC, in the webapps dir, i create a temp folder. Inside the temp folder, i place my helloworld.jsp and create a WEB-INF, in WEB-INF i create the lib and classes dir. I test my JSP by Everything is OK.

Can i do the same thing at the server side? i mean without the web.xml

Thank you !
18 years ago
Thank you for your advice, actually I have tried my JSP at my PC already and everything works fine, and now I want to try to it on the real server.

I have register a host at Astrahosting.com, the regular plan (www.astrahosting.com)and i dont have any TOMCAT documentation from them.

Anyway, Thank you very much.
Best Regards.
18 years ago

First, i want to thank to you for taking time to read my posting.

I am using the TOMCAT to access my JSP pages at the server, version 4.

Can you tell me where can i locate the server.xml at the server site, i cannot find it. And i am just a beginer, so can you give me the simple content of web.xml to run my helloworld.jsp ?

According to the hosting vendors, the host supports TOMCAT, JSP/Servlet/Java, BUT how can i check it ? Please help me.

Thank you very much and looking for your reply.

Best Regards.
18 years ago
I have problem with my first JSP page on the server(remote site).

At the server (remote site), In the /var/www/html, i create a temp directory. In the temp dir, i created WEB-INF and place my HelloWorld.jsp. In the WEB-INF, i also create the classes and lib directory. But i cannot view my JSP from the Internet Explorer, the IE ingnores all the JSP tags, it just displays the HTML contents.

Thank you for your help so much, i am looking for your reply.
[ July 23, 2005: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
18 years ago