Swapna James

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since Jul 26, 2005
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Recent posts by Swapna James

Congratulations!!! How long did you prepare?
15 years ago

This is a question for people who would already done their SCWCDs. I was practicing the Whizlabs mock exams and I found it a bit more difficult than the mock exams in couple of other sites. I just want to know whether the real exam would be tougher than this. This is just to assess whether my preparation would be adequate or not.

Thanks in advance.


Hi All,

I am using MultiActionControllers and SimpleFormControllers in my project. I am having problem with Session Management. I have used AOP to manage session and in the SFC, I have referenceData() where I am calling a method and while calling that method, AOP will be activated and if session is invalid the user is promted to login again. So wherever I have SFC, if I logout and then click on Back button of the browser, the user is prompted to login again. But with MAC, since I don't have an equivalent of referenceData, AOP is not activated and while clicking on Back button after log out, the user will be able to view the page if not modify anything.

Can anybody suggest a work around. Is there any equivalent of referenceData for MAC?


I understand that {$pageContext.request} is an instance of HttpRequest, but can you tell me where we can use it?
Hi Guys,

I understand that {$requestScope.foo} is not equal to {$pageContext.request.foo}. Can anybody tell me under what circumstances that we will be using {$pageContext.XXX}. I am confused with these EL Implicit Objects.



I am having two applications running on the same domain. In one, each time a page flow is accessed, the process starts from the begin action but in the other one, begin action is called only the first time the page flow is accessed, but portlet caching is not enabled. I compared both application portlets to see whether the settings are identical and it is. Can anybody throw some light on this problem. I am new to Weblogic and I tried my best to find what is wrong. Any help would be great.


16 years ago

I am a beginner in Netui programming. I came across two similar tags- <netui-data ataGrid> and <netui-data:grid>. Can anybody tell me what is the difference between them?


17 years ago
Hi Guys,

I am starting with SCWCD preparation. I was going through the recommended reading the the JavaRanch SCWCD Links( http://www.javaranch.com/scwcdlinks.jsp) and I noted that Head First from K&B is not in the list. Does that mean that JavaRanch does not recommend that book?

I am confused.

Wow you sound like Super Java Man. Congrats!!!

I need to connect to DataStage Universe and retrieve data using Java. Can anybody tell me how this can be achieved.

Thanks and Regards,
Hi Scott,

I have tried the same query using



String query="SELECT TOP "+rowFactor+" EMP_NO,EMP_NAME FROM EMP_TABLE";

Both works fine. Only when I use '?' this error comes.

Any idea why? Is it related to the driver that I am using?



I am getting an error when I am trying to take the top 100 rows from a table using PreparedStatement on an MS SQL database.

The code is as follows.

I am getting this error

I googled and didn't get a proper solution. Can anybody help?

Thanks in advance,

Thanks Srini
19 years ago

I am new to this group. I don't whether this is the right place to ask this question. And I don't know where else to ask too.

Anyway... Can anybody tell me how much time one might need for the OCA exam, Introduction to Oracle 9i:SQL 1Z0-007 exam? I am a Java programmer who is familiar with Oracle.

Thanks in advance,

19 years ago
Wow Greg,

That is a very good score for 1.5 exam. I think you have the highest score in 1.5 exam till date. That too considering your background....this is wonderful.

19 years ago