Zip Ped

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since Jul 26, 2005
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Seems like a thread spiraling into an endless debate. I believe I can change full name to first name - initials and last name. That doesn't break Javaranch policies.

However, I would definitely suggest a profile access/restrictions on Javaranch.
15 years ago
And as life would have it, this post is now the 4th link on google search - my name.
15 years ago
And if I may use my brownie points - I have been a good rancher for more than 3 years and donated in the past.
15 years ago
Thank you all, and I do appreciate your response.

Yes, it's true, you should not post something on the internet because it's available to the outside world - again that could be relative, I might post something which might seem OK to me but not to someone else. Taking that into consideration, shouldn't there be a way in Javaranch to delete a User's profile or the post? Even the index pages expire I believe.

I am sorry if I am being a headache to the moderators. I don't intend to. Unfortunately, I don't control my profile and I have to reach out to you.

15 years ago

Thanks for your response. Well, I am sure the posts are helpful if they are technical in nature. Some of the posts which show up are from meaningless drivel. They are not what I would want someone like a recruiter or a professional/colleague to see. None of the posts have language which is offensive in nature. But that is still a meaningless drivel.

Maybe if I can delete my profile, perhaps that might help?

15 years ago

Please let me know if there is a way I can restrict access to my own posts (on coderanch) so that they don't show up on search engines. These messages show up when I google my name.

15 years ago
So, this is on the Yahoo main page today:;_ylc=X3oDMTE5ZmdmcGVkBF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEc2VjA2ZwLXRvZGF5BHNsawN3b3JzdC1kcml2ZXJz

As per them, the worst drivers are in NY. Personally, I feel the worst drivers are in Massachussets (Massh*l*s) and the 'grandma, move out of my way' driving in MD. No offense to anyone.
15 years ago
I think I have narrowed down on the issue. I am using port 9999 on the SMTP server as advised by the SMTP server admin to send emails. This port might be blocked for sendmail outbound queue by the internal network firewalls.
15 years ago

Thank you for your response. I tried to debug the issue, but apparently we are able to send mails using SendMail on the Solaris box as 'wasadm' - our java app.

So, I am not sure if the queue being full or a permission error is the problem.

Thanks for your help.
15 years ago

I have an application which resides on a Solarix box and a part of functionality involves sending emails to an SMTP server. I keep getting the message mentioned in the subject line when I try to send an email.

I dug up some sites trying to look for some cues as to why this is happening. What I found out was that the postfix queue which has all outbound emails for a linux (in my case Solaris) box, is either queued up or the folder is running out of disk space.

I am not sure how to resolve this error and if it's actually the queue which is blocked or I might be missing more information.

Anyone who has had a similar problem before? I am using the JavaMail API to send emails.

15 years ago
I didn't go through each one of the replies and I am just stating my experience.

The brainbench test or any other online tests are usually conducted by "technical" recruiters who want to filter out candidates based on their own cut off criteria. These guys lack technical expertise to conduct a phone screen interview. If you've done your SCJP, you can easily get 60%-70% (maybe even higher) of the questions correct and that should land you with a good percentile.

I've personally felt this is a waste of my time and I prefer being interviewed directly by my potential employer. I think interviews which may include white board questions, on the spot analytical questions apart from the usual interviews, assess a candidate far better. I have some interview experience; varying from the easiest to the toughest and based on that I would chose to give the brainbench exam depending only on the below scenarios:

1. I really want to join the company and this exam is a part of their recruitment process.
2. I don't have a job or looking for one desperately (whatever be the reason) and I just have to go through it anyway.

I wouldn't give this exam for any other reason.
16 years ago
I guess this sounds a bit raunchy:

"Don't look below!"
16 years ago
I gave in to the TV commercials after using vista for a year and bought a macbook....cancel or allow....ALLOW.
16 years ago
I would think...."Who gives a damn anyway?"
[ August 14, 2008: Message edited by: Kailash Thiyagarajan ]
16 years ago

I would like to point out that both Yahoo and Google do use Java apart from Python, PHP or Perl. Some of the biggest online retailers also use Java and Java EE technologies.
16 years ago