srikanth reddy

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since Jul 28, 2005
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Recent posts by srikanth reddy

Hi frnds,

Iam facing couple of problems with rich:comboBox tag.Request you to please help me out.

1) First the last letter that is being typed is getting hidden inside the button icon .Is there any way to show the last character as an when user types in

2) Another issue is that even after including the .rich-combobox-input class the font of the input text is not the same as that of the displayed items.

i have attached the screen shots for reference

please suggest
15 years ago
need to know the sofware required for practicing it freely available..i have Jdeveloper...will it be sufficient...

please help

[ November 23, 2005: Message edited by: srikanth reddy ]
thanks seenu for ur info...
can anyone provide me the PDF material for head first or anything thats considered imp for scwcd....


recently i cleared scjp (95%) i need to take my SCWCD..please anyone help with the good book..mockexams..please thanks a lot in advance

thanks a lot....

19 years ago
hi frnds ,

thanks a lot for ur valuable support...KnB ur book was very good ...i remembered the days of college of reading Goankar which was a very special book for electronics and was so popular ,the language he used is similar to urs...

thanks a lot...
i have gone through khalid mughal,KnB,API,Robert and heller...

thanks all of u..
19 years ago


my doubt here is that whenever there is a shift being done ,it is promoted to int here
-64 means 1100 0000
which gets promoted while shifting to int ..
and after which truncated to byte nd evaluated...right??
steve ..he is talking about the member variable ..they can b used before intialisation.....
Hema..refer to island of isolation objects in KnB ..nice explanation was given ..
gowtham ..where are those KnB mock exams ..
19 years ago


what my doubt is here calling join means that the main thread will have to wait until the Thread T1 has finished which is not i thought that there should be no Output..but it gives End..will it not wait forever??
thanks kumar...i forgot this concept only...i suppose the answer was it could not be done ....without the subclass throwing the exception ...
so gaurav...u mean to say that only 4 is correct option...
but in mock exam it was given as 234...
any idea??

without the constructor of the subclass throwing IOException..can i use keep the super in try catch block...
why 1 is not correct..

please explain..