Morten Franorge

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since Jul 29, 2005
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Recent posts by Morten Franorge

Craig Walls wrote:
Quartz? Yes, absolutely. But directly using Quartz? Not so sure.

I absolutely agree that Spring's new scheduling capabilities are easy to use. But, what do you mean by "directly using Quartz"? The new scheduling capabilities in Spring doesn't have anything to do with Quartz? My question was whether you see any good usecases where Quartz is better than the new scheduling capabilities, as I don't
14 years ago
With Spring scheduling, do you see any real use case for Quartz? If so, what would your recommendations be for when to use either?
14 years ago

Satish Kore wrote:Hi Morten,

In ActionScript primitive types do not hold null value so anything that is Number,int or uint cannot hold null. Only Object or * type can hold null reference. There are two ways that I can see.

1. Simple approach would be just change type of ActionScript property from Number to Object and then if you assign null, it will be deserialized into null on java side.
2. Try not to use null as valid value, try using -1 or any negative value to represent your meaning.


Option 2 require me to change the inherit functionality in my domain model, which does not sit well with the DDD. Option 1 makes the action script model sub optimal....hmmmm
15 years ago
In our domain model, having a null value for certain numbers (Integer, Long and Double) have specific business meaning in our domain (different than 0). However, there is no way to represent nulls in action script. They are interpreted as NaN, but once a NaN is sent back to Java, it is not translated back to null. What is the best practise to handle this?
15 years ago
How do you deal with the fact that Flex does not have an enum type? It causes problem when exposing the java domain model to flex using blaze
15 years ago
With Java Concurrency API multithreaded programming became a lot easier, but I guess there is still room for improvements. However, I would like to ask Venkat Subramaniam the following:
As the book seem to claim that scala makes multithreading easier, is there some intrinsic value in scala that makes multithreaded programming easier? Or could one just as easily achieve the same with java by further improving the concurrency APIs?
15 years ago

Originally posted by Roland Barcia:
Well, the spec itself may be limited, but JPA Vendors usually provided extensions to handle cases not covered by the spec. I think you should look at the various JPA implementations and see what extensions they provide.

I have. However, if you use the extensions then the "interchangable implementation"-argument is gone. You might as well just choose a ORM vendor and use them for all its worth, as long as you are using vendor specific extensions anyway.
Seems there are so many short comings and limitations in version 1.0 of the specification that makes it impossible to use with bigger databases, which isn't necessarily modeled according to the limited number of options supported by JPA 1.0?

So is JPA 1.0 a viable option for bigger enterprise projects? 100 developers 300-500 tables?

Originally posted by Marcel Dullaart:
First of all congratulations!
I haven't seen this before, but then again, I haven't submitted my assignment yet.
I suppose that you'll receive your officialk score chart by snail mail soon. If that still has the same calculation error, I suppose you could ask Prometric about it.

Happy celebration


You won't receive a score chart by snail mail for part 3. Certmanager is the only way to get the score for SCEA part2+3. So you should definately contact the certmanager people and ask what is going on.
Mine actually contained two letters, one congratulating me "on becoming a Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition" and mentioned J2EE several times.

Seems strange, after Sun has been so careful to talk about JEE the last couple of years.
I have passed in certmanager, but no e-mail and no certification pack.
Am I the only one who haven't received this yet?

Originally posted by Alex Belisle Turcot:

I was pretty sure my suggestion (earlier in this post) put an end to the ugly solution..

You use the same object either to create/use the local or remote implementation.

For me, this is a beautiful solution


So the MyBusinessInterface throws remoteexception? And the client code have to handle remote exception, even when the actual implementation (the local) will never throw a remote excepion. Just for the benefit of having a unified interface?

Originally posted by Theodore Casser:

It would be silly for them not to tell us... and besides - we generally receive a grade report in the mail (snail mail) for Beta exams from Sun. I do not see any reason why this exam would be different.

I agree, it would be silly. Still I think they will be exactly that, silly. As several other people have stated in other forums, the assignment said that you will only get a pass, and no socres (except in the case of failure).

I'd love to have the scores, but I don't think we will get them. Simply because it will require a lot of effort. When you get the score sheets for other betas it is because the data has been put directly into prometric's database, this is probably not the case with the manual grading process for the assignment.

I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I will be ;-)