suman.pulikond a

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since Jul 31, 2005
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Recent posts by suman.pulikond a

At the time you are keeping books in your cart, amazon checks it inventory and allows you to keep them in the cart. But it won't remove two books from its inventory. It will remove only at the time you pay. If you wont come its not a problem. If you come and ready, it checks its inventory once again.
not that, what happens to the servlet? will the container destroys instance or thread?
18 years ago
What actually happens if i throw a ServletException from doPost()?
18 years ago
Where can i find some free jsp projects for reference?
18 years ago
What is the actual Difference between the below two?

public static final String SEQUENCE = "sequence";

public final static String SEQUENCE = "sequence";
18 years ago
if it is like that what is the benefit of getting usertransaction object, If we were unable to call any method in that one for BMP'S.
while running my web app i'm getting an error
Ljava/util/Collection; not found]: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:

how to solve it.
Thanks in advanace.
18 years ago
I'm new to j2me. will j2me is useful for gaming programming?
19 years ago
i completed wcd with 86%. I read K&B. i never saw such a wonderful book. Thanks to all members.
19 years ago
i did the first example in head first ejb. Deployment is completed successfully. Client in compiled successfully. But the problem is while running the AdviceClient i'm getting an error
java.rmi.RemoteException CORBA BAD_OPERATION minor code 0 Completed : NO

and other some stack trace

plz assist me to solve this problem

my environment is windows XP