M Conlin

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since Aug 01, 2005
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Recent posts by M Conlin

Kosala W.Abayagunawardene wrote:Congratulations ! I did SCWCD 27th and I am also hoping to do SCBCD. As I heard there is no Head First for SCBCD 5 yet and best to buy EJB 3 in Action which I did yesterday. It is like HF but it is not aimed for SCBCD so no questions. Study hard.Good Luck.

Uh oh - I just ordered that book. Is it old and out of date for tnew SCBCD test?
15 years ago

85% - test was much easier then the sun practice tests I took. It was WAY easier then the HF book test.
I read Head First and scanned the Servlet and JSP tag APIs.

I have really been enjoying these tests, looking forward to the EJB one.
15 years ago

Ankit Garg wrote:Isn't the best solution to find out is try it out yourself??

Yes, but I am currently studying without access to my dev machine.
I was hoping someone on here might simply know.

My reading says that if <login-config> element is present in the DD
then a user must be authenticated before accessing <security-constraint> elements.

What happens if you have constrained resources via the <secuirity-constraint> but no <login-config> element is present in the DD?
Is there a default login-config OR since no authentication method is given, nobody can access the constrained resouces?
I have a few clients trying to access our application from outside the country.

Their session ID cookies are never recognized so they get booted out right after login.

Why would be in a different local cause this?
16 years ago
I want to capture the bad URL when a 404 is thrown.

The only way I do this so far is to have the tomcat log4j.properties set to DEBUG, this creates a HUGE amount of logging.

Are there any other ways to get this information... when the URL is bad I want to see what it was they wanted.
16 years ago
Anyone.... help.

Does the manager stop/start work for other people out there?
17 years ago
If I stop my context using the Tomcat Manager and then try to start is using the Manager I get the error below.

If I kill the process from the command line, and then start using the manager, all is well and the app runs fine.

Any thoughts?

17 years ago
I finally found the issue:

while testing build/install scripts the tomcat server had been started under root.

When I logged in as my tomcat user and attempted to restart the server it could not properly shutdown/restart. The error messages did NOT indicate that a resource was in use by someone else, it simply acted like it could not read xml and deploy the project correctly.

su over to root and shutdown the server fixed the issue.
18 years ago
On my windows machines things run fine.

Recently out of the blue, when I move the .war to my unix environment and expand it the following happens.

After the InitServlet completes successfully I get these errors:
SEVERE: Parse Fatal Error at line -1 column -1: Premature end of file.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file


SEVERE: Error deploying configuration descriptor eoms.xml
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file

Any ideas?

18 years ago
Locally on my windows xp machine my .war application works correctly.

When I deploy to unix I get the following error;

SEVERE: Parse error in default web.xml
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file.

HOWEVER, if I "touch" the web.xml file tomcat is able to pick it up and parse it correctly and all is well.

Any thoughts? Thanks!
19 years ago
I did get this working by altering the docBase attribute of the HOST tag inside the server.xml file.
19 years ago
I would like to deploy a war file outside of the [tomcat]/webapps directory.

How can I get tomact to recognize AND unpack a war file in a location other then the default webapps directory?

I have tried the following;
altering server.xml -
added context pointing directly to .war in other directory.

adding context.xml entry to my war -
added context.xml to META-INF of my war file, indicating that the docBase should be in outside directory.

Neither of these created the desired result.

Any suggestions?
19 years ago
Currently validator does not allow blank dates?
I downloaded the newest version of struts and validator but this bug still has not been fixed... any ideas?

19 years ago
I would like to have a pop-up screen update the formbean on the parent page. The design of this is getting pretty nastey.

I have a page that creates a user object - user_create.jsp
I have a pop-up that alows you to enter an address - address_create.jsp

A user can have 1..N addresses. I want the user_create page to allow for the pop-up and subsequent creation of multiple addresses.

Any ideas.....
[ August 01, 2005: Message edited by: M Conlin ]
19 years ago