Thanks guys for you help in answering my questions and helping me cruise out smoothly.
Some of my observations about this exam are...
1. HF is a nice book and covers topics very nicely. Having said that it has numerous mistakes and some of them are critical that are still not being updated on the errata available on the Oreilly website. I have not read any other book, but I would suggest to first update your book with the errata from the website and then start reading it.
2. There are many practice questions available on the web and doing all of them is unnecessary. Most of the time there is repetition. If you cover well the ejbCertificate question properly and then the JDiscuss questions then and you are scoring about 80% there then you are in good shape.
3. Most of the time when you attempt a question it is not about one concept but two or more concepts put together. So a thorough understanding of all the basic concepts would make your life better.
4. Some of the questions are not about EJB but your java skills in general like interface �
�Extends� an interface rather than �implement� it.
5. I found the Marco Tedone's scbcd reminder.txt (
http://www.jemos.co.uk/certifications/SCBCD/Reminder.txt helpful to explain when a transaction is rolled back and when it is just marked for roll back. He has explained it very nicely. Also these are good notes for revision.
6. And one more thing, I took EJB-QL a bit lightly. I think one should try writing ample of those queries. Expect to have some tough ones out there in paper.
When I started the test I was put forward a survey of 15 mins and 15 questions asking me how good I think I am in various sub fields of EJB. It was unexpected for me but it helped put off some anxiety and get prepared for what was next to come.
There is ample time to solve questions so you don't have to rush it. I finished good 30 minutes before the actual time.
My best wishes to all of you who are preparing for this test. I my opinion it is way simple from the foundation SCJP but very demanding of remember and retaining the concepts.