Loveleen Saroya

Ranch Hand
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since Aug 08, 2005
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Recent posts by Loveleen Saroya

Hello Friends,
I want to sell my voucher, it is valid till 31.03.2008.
Those who are interested please mail me at [email protected]
Good Luck.
By the way I'm from Hyderabad
17 years ago
Hello Friends,
I want to sell my voucher, it is valid till 31.03.2008.
Those who are interested please mail me at [email protected]
Good Luck.
By the way I'm from Hyderabad
17 years ago
Hello Friends,
I want to sell my voucher, it is valid till 31.03.2008.
Those who are interested please mail me at [email protected]
Good Luck.
By the way I'm from Hyderabad
17 years ago
Hi SivaKumar,
To buy whizlab product what you can do is write a mail to whizlab([email protected]) or call them(+91-11-51589171)

i bought a software long time back so here is the details.

You can deposit a cheque/DD/online transfer/cash in favor of
'Whizlabs Software Pvt Ltd' in the nearest branch ICICI bank A/C #

After making the payment, please send us the transaction details. Once
purchase gets confirmed we will provide you with a download link and
number to activate the product.

In case you want it shipped in a CD, the same can also be availed with
additional amount .

hope this will help
good luck for your exam
Two days back i saw this book available on amazon now its not, did anyone could get hold of this book.. is it good?

Two days back i saw this book( by Prasad Kukkamalla) available on amazon now its not, did anyone could get hold of this book.. is it good?

hi im selling my voucher in Rs 5000 its gettin expire on sept 30, dont have time to prepare..
whoever wants to buy can email me @ [email protected]
good luck
by the way I'm from hyderabad
hi im selling my voucher in Rs 5000 its gettin expire on sept 30, dont have time to prepare..
whoever wants to buy can email me @ [email protected]
good luck
by the way I'm from hyderabad
18 years ago
hi im selling my voucher in Rs 5000 its gettin expire on sept 30, dont have time to prepare..
whoever wants to buy can email me @ [email protected]
good luck
by the way I'm from hyderabad
Congrats cheenu!!!

Manning (where kathy left some deshmukh covered it)

can you please mention which all topic are not covered in headfirst
thanks and regards
can we compile a JSP outside a container? if yes from where it will get aplication n config objects, if no then whats jspc comand do?
thanks in advance
18 years ago
i got the output but was looking if there is any other way to do it.. like making a part string and then reverse and concat.
18 years ago

can anybody help me how to get this output
thanks in advance
18 years ago