Santosh Pasupuleti

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since Aug 10, 2005
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Recent posts by Santosh Pasupuleti

What happens if I override the equals() method but do not override the hashCode() if I am using the following class as a key in a hashmap? What will be the impact on performance while I perform a searching assuing that the HashMap has a milion entrie?

class MyKey{
int i;
boolean equals(Object obj){
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (obj == this)
return true;
return (((MyKey)obj).i == this.i);
18 years ago
Hi Herman,

Thank you very much.
Its very nice to a reply with the usefullinks on it.

I was reading the BEA Weblogic Server 8.1 Unleashed book in which I found the statement "impot javax.jts.*;"

Though I added the j2ee.jar file to the classpath, the eclipse editor has been complaining about javax.jts.*. Hence, I posted the message.

Thanks again for the reply.

Could somebody please tell me which package (jar) contains javax.jts.* files?

if you are using weblogic 8x, please use "appc" instead. ejbc should be used with weblogic 7x.
Please suggest me good books for Tibco certifications.
The interview officer is not there to deny your visa. But, if he/she finds some thing wrong with you then the officer wil not hesitate to deny the Visa.

Please take passport, passport picture, DS-156&DS-157 form, appointment letter, salary stubs, experience letters, degree certificates, marksheets, and photocpies.

The officer will start a converstaion like - What is your job role? It is not going to be technical discussion. Be confident, be clear in your presentation.

These days, at Chennai, I was told that they are not giving visas to non-comuter science grads i.e., civil engineering grad applying for programmer analyst. In these cases take enough experience certifcates, computer diplomas etc.

Best of luck.
19 years ago
The interview officer is not there to deny your visa. But, if he/she finds some thing wrong with you then the officer wil not hesitate to deny the Visa.

Please take passport, passport picture, DS-156&DS-157 form, appointment letter, salary stubs, experience letters, degree certificates, marksheets, and photocpies.

The officer will start a converstaion like - What is your job role? It is not going to be technical discussion. Be confident, be clear in your presentation.

These days, at Chennai, I was told that they are not giving visas to non-comuter science grads i.e., civil engineering grad applying for programmer analyst. In these cases take enough experience certifcates, computer diplomas etc.

Best of luck.
19 years ago
For the Sun Certified exams (SCJP, SCWCD and SCEA) I relied on books. Sun courses must be good but they are expensive.

19 years ago
But, the above code will work if you are searching for "AND" in "stand".
indexOf will return -1 (not found) if there is case mismatch.

So, you will have to introduce the toLowerCase() or toUpperCase() methods of String class.

Take a look at the following code:
19 years ago
You can use the folowing example:
19 years ago
I am not able to post the code if it has Cookie mentioned in it. How do I overcome this issue?
19 years ago
I have invested in TIAA-CREF's life insurance, IRA and Mutual Funds.
19 years ago
Congratulations Jose. It's an awesome score.