This week's book giveaway is in the Programmer Certification forum.
We're giving away four copies of OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 21 Developer Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-830 and have Jeanne Boyarsky & Scott Selikoff on-line!
See this thread for details.

Srivatsa Katta

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If the xml is in a string reference, just use the JSP's writer out to print it on the jsp.


Why is the order of attributes so much important for you?

What the code is generating and what you are expecting are the same.

In XML terminology they both are identical XML instances.


In eclipse, just right click on the xml and click on validate, if your instance document (XML) has the schema declaration, it validates with the corresponding schema and shows errors(if any) in the editor itself.

It can be done using programatically also.. which option to choose depends on your requirement.

add this attribute targetNamespace="" in your schema element.

-Srivatsa Katta
17 years ago
Hi Deepthi,

Read the complete line in to a string and then spit it using a regular expression.

Assuming <DOUBLE_QUOTE><SPACE><DOUBLE_QUOTE> as the delimiter between two fields, you can use something like this to get the email_id or any other field for that matter.

-Srivatsa Katta
17 years ago

1) s4s-att-not-allowed: Attribute 'maxOccurs' cannot appear in element 'element'. at Line #1

minOccurs and maxOccurs can not be used for the root elements, it can be used only by the child elements used in either sequence/all/any

2)src-ct.2.1: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type '#AnonType_action'.
When <simpleContent> is used, the base type must be a complexType whose content type is
simple, or, only if restriction is specified, a complex type with mixed content and
emptiable particle, or, only if extension is specified, a simple type. 'string' satisfies
none of these conditions. at line #4

the wrong combination of schema elements are used for restricting the base string. use it like given below

I would suggest you to please go through the XSD primer before going to wsdl's it will give you the better understanding of schema.

-Srivatsa Katta
17 years ago
Hi Bharat,

Since you have declared the XMLSchema namespace with the prefix 's'

you have to use fully qualified names for all the elements you are using from this namespace (all schema elements)

so change the schema to the following.

-Srivatsa Katta
17 years ago

Is this how you are testing, this works fine on windows ideally it should work on all platforms.

stats is true if caps key is on, else false.

-Srivatsa Katta
17 years ago
Hi Tapan,

I tried on windows OS its giving me the correct status. Am not sure about other platforms.

Srivatsa Katta
17 years ago

Try getLockingKeyState(int keyCode) method from java.awt.Toolkit class.

where the key code for caps lock key is java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_CAPS_LOCK

-Srivatsa Katta
17 years ago

Originally posted by Nareshkumar Kapilavai:

<h:selectOneMenu id="projectName" value="#{projectDetails.projectName}" styleClass="ComboBoxBig"
valueChangeListener="#{projectDetails.projectChanged}" immediate="true" onchange="submit()">
<f:selectItems value="#{projectDetails.allProjects}" />

Could you please explain what is the purpose of onchange="submit()", i could get that valueChangeListener is for filtering the values of the next drop down, but why is onchange event ??

Srivatsa Katta
17 years ago

Have a look @ java.text.SimpleDateFormat API for all date format related things.

Srivatsa Katta
17 years ago
Hi Mukesh,

First of all.. please post the questions using proper subject, with out which no body will help you in these forums.

Since its your first post read the forums FAQ to get to know how to post questions in this forum.

Originally posted by muk kumar:
i think hyperlink and radio button has same worked ,pls tell me what is major difference between them.

What do you mean by both has same behavior, both are of different use.

Hyperlink is used to redirect to the different page or to the different part of the current html.

Radio button is used to get the users choice for some field.

Hi Vrushali,

What exactly you mean by the trial version doesn't have the features of development and deployment. You mean to say, it doesn't allow you to create a new portlet project, or new portlets ??

Even I am using the trail version, am able to develop portlets and deploy portlets etc..

am not sure if ibm still has the train download of RAD6 and WPS5.1, check it in IBM site once.

Srivatsa Katta
17 years ago

Its no point capturing the IP address within the LAN, because it wont be of any help. We need the first Class A IP address. And that http header X_FORWARDED_FOR sometimes does not have the first proxy that connects to the internet.


I do agree with you, IP spoofing can be done @ routers, or they might even remove the header as such. I am not expecting 100 % fool proof solution. But if we could get we need the first proxy IP address.

Anyways thanks for your thoughts.

Srivatsa Katta
17 years ago