I don't know of any JDBC function that does what you describe, but I have never looked for one either. I do either one of two things (and I assume that any filtering function is doing the same thing). The first thing common to both methods is that I need to build a resultSet that contains the values that I want to check. Then I dump them into a collection of some sort. Personally, I use a hashSet. I can check entries one at a time without having to re-query the database. If not, I am notified of the absent entry and can correct it on the spot. This works ,for example, if people are registering for a seminar, and I want to see if they are on the database.
The other method would be to put all the values I want to check into a list, and as I am iterating through the resultSet, see if the term from the resultSet is contained within my list. This is useful if I already have a list of values and I want to validate all of them. I can do hundreds of thousands of validations in very little time.
Either way, it can be accomplished with just a few lines of code.

[ August 14, 2007: Message edited by: Chad Clites ]