Ganpi Srinivasan

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since Aug 17, 2005
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Recent posts by Ganpi Srinivasan

Originally posted by Pat Farrell:
Oh yes, I knew you were kidding, and I was kidding too.

Someone famous said that Americans and the British are divided by a common language.

And I don't want anyone to get into this saying "my langauge is better than yours" which is exactly the same argument that "my wife is prettier than yours"

But the question of language on the internet, how we communicate world wide, and how languages merge is interesting to me.

English has a lot of French and Latin idioms. Will we be adding Arabic, Hindi, and Tamil, idioms as well?

As far as I know, present-day English has a lot of Indian (Hindi, Sanskrit and other languages) words absorbed. Case in point - Juggernaut, Khakhi, karma, guru, loot, catamaran, cash etc.

I hope this link is useful -

web page
17 years ago
I am using a Datatable in my page with an action being triggered when any row inside the datatable is clicked - this is done by having a <hx:commandExRowAction> tag inside my datatable.

I have a unique problem when a single row is clicked and the page is rendered post action method invocation. Always the control goes to the top of the page even if the datatable has, say 100 records and I clicked on the 95th row) and the user has to scroll everytime he/she clicks on a row.

a. Is there a way to implement something like HTML page section (anchor tag with #) in the datatable that has hx:commandExRowAction tag?

b. A colleague of mine gave me a javascript that stores the x, y coords when the form in the page is submitted and upon page load, the x and y coords are reset - thereby restoring the page to where the click happened. This works when I have a submit button. But in case of the hx:commandExRowAction (row select triggering an action) it looks like the form is not being submitted! is this how this tag behaves - send the information to the action method but not submitting the form?

17 years ago
Mark Spritzler,
As far as I know, Best Buy rebate cards (the ones they send in mail) do not apply to Apple products. I tried it for my iPod without reading the fine-print. If it is Gift Card that someone gave you I think you should be able to use it.

17 years ago
Red Bull is awesome - only when mixed with Jagermeister
17 years ago
Probably it is just me - but the Mac ads were ridiculing PC and not MS! So if someone is concerned about these ads, it should be PC manufacturers like Dell, Sony etc. and not Microsoft. Of course, Mac has a niche with its clientele but Microsoft has and probably would still continue to enjoy the lion's share of the market. After all, the PC revolutionized the use of computers by bringing them into our homes, from giant air-conditioned labs. Dicey!
17 years ago
surprising no one mentioned "House"...Hugh Laurie is brilliant in every episode...i also like "My Name is Earl" and "Everybody Hates Chris"...
17 years ago

Originally posted by Kailash Thiyagarajan:
So far, i am 3/4. What about this weekend?

1. Saints Vs. Bears - Bears - D i-i-i(close resemblance to FENCE)
2. Patriots Vs. Colts - Colts - Manning

I'd agree with the Bears beating Seattle but watch out for the Pats buddy!! Its high time Brady, Belichick and co. respond to past 2 losses they suffered against the Colts. Once again NE would prove they are the best when it comes to post-season!!
18 years ago

Originally posted by Kailash Thiyagarajan:

Pats and Ravens are in the same division - AFC and Seahawks and Eagles are in the NFC. No chance of the same division teams playing against each other in the superbowl.

oopsie!! guess i was in a hurry 2 go home!
18 years ago
Paddle shifts are a compromise between traditional manual shift transmission (gear and clutch) and the automatic transmission. I test drove an Audi with their version (an advanced and smart version) called DSG - Direct Shift Gearbox with the up and down gearshift buttons on the steering wheel (pretty much like the F-1 cars).

If you want more info, check this link:

Semi-Automatic Tranny
18 years ago

Originally posted by Anoushka Sharma:
Rs.13,35,000/- on road.

DAAMNNN!!! And do they come with airbags and stuff? Personally, I think german cars are far more better than Japanese but again its just me and my opinion in this religious argument. For the record, I love my VW Jetta!!

18 years ago

And then it wud b:
Pats Vs Seahawks
Ravens vs Eagles

Super Bowl - Pats Vs Ravens and Ravens becoming the CHAMPS!
18 years ago
Love is just another 4-lettered word!
18 years ago
First of all, glad that you made it back from your deployment in Iraq. Compared to that, SCJP is nothing man. Keep your cool and concentrate on the prep material. To get your basics, try the book "Thinking in Java" by Bruce Eckel - that would give you a very good understanding about the basics of Java. Meanwhile good luck with your job search buddy!

18 years ago
As you might notice, now you are able to connect to the DB but Oracle is refusing connection because of an invalid user id/password combination.

In your server configuration, click on the security tab and create a JAAS Authentication entry. This would comprise of:

1. An Alias name that would refer to in the datasource
2. User id - user id that you would use to connect to the DB
3. Password - password for the DB user id.

Once you have created these, go to your Datasource tab and click on your specific oracle datasource and click on Edit. In the edit window you would see 2 entries (all the way at the bottom) for Component managed authentication alias and Container managed auth alias. In the dropdown for these entries you would now see the alias you had created in the security tab. Select them and click on OK.

Now, save your server config, restart your server and execute your code. It should work now.

Cheers and Good luck!
18 years ago
Or it could also be that the form on the previous page has the POST action. In that case, the browser could submit the form again.

See the link below for more details:

18 years ago