ram prabhu

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since Aug 18, 2005
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Recent posts by ram prabhu

Hai i am having a batch file running.like some startserver.bat(running state)..

i have to create another batch file stopserver.bat which have to stop the running batch file(startserver.bat).can any of you assist me in this problem.


18 years ago
Hi... can u just tell me how to call set showplan_all(sql command) in java.i have to find the time taken to execute the query before executing it.

the command i used is SET SHOWPLAN_ALL ON..i am able to get the time before that.but i dont know how to call these commands in java.i tried with the resultset but it seems to be not working..

i just tried this...
ResultSet oldrs=state.executeQuery("SET SHOWPLAN_ALL ON");
ResultSet rs=state.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM DEPT");
ResultSet newrs=state.executeQuery("SET SHOWPLAN_ALL OFF);

but i am getting the error No Resultset SET was found..

can anyone just help me to get out of this trouble.


hai can anyone just help me to find the time taken
to execute a uery in oracle.
i just tried with calculating the difference between the system time before and after executing the query in milliseconds.but its not working properly.

Is there any predefined function in oracle api to caluclate the time taken to execute query.

hai can anyone just help me to find the time taken
to execute a uery in oracle.
i just tried with calculating the difference between the system time before and after executing the query in milliseconds.but its not working properly.

Is there any predefined function in oracle api to caluclate the time taken to execute query.
hai everyone....i have 1 doubt...
1.i am creating an application in which i have to call a function from a js page to xsl sheet while selecting a combo box.can anyone help me about the steps to follow
hai everyone....i have 1 doubt...
1.i am designing an application in which i have to call a function from a js page to xsl sheet while selecting a combo ox.can anyone help me about the steps to follow
19 years ago
hi....can anyone help me..how to read XML documents using different parsers.
Hai....can u explain it briefly about the event driven...