Ed Marte

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since Aug 18, 2005
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Yes, ejbActivate and ejbPassivate do not run in a meaninful transactional context. Therefore you cannot access database or entity fields or relational fields.
And you don't have to worry about restoring the bean's cmp and cmr fields - container does it for you.

Ususally ejbActivate and ejbPassivate methods are empty, they are not very useful for anything (very rarely).

Hope it helps,

Originally posted by Thomas Vezhambacheril:
Question :- A client has two object references to a session bean's home interface.
But the given answer is References of the home interface of the same bean are always identical because there is only one instance of the Home interface. Means there is no need of isIdentical() method.

You cannot call isIdentical method on home interface, because there's no such method in EJBHome interface, it's in EJBObject only.
Q: page 169 of specs says that "The container can choose to passivate an entity bean instance within a transaction."

And we know that Session bean cannot be passivated while it's in open transaction.
So it doesn't apply to entity beans? They can be passivated while they are in open transaction?