Vivek Viswanathan

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Recent posts by Vivek Viswanathan

Sorry I wasnt clear, the one month isnt the deadline.
It is generally advisable to sit for the exam soon (say one month) after that training so that things are fresh in your head.

There could be deadline to sit for the exam after taking the training but I am not aware of it, you are better off contacting springsource for these kinda questions.
15 years ago
Sorry I wasnt clear, the one month isnt the deadline.
It is generally advisable to sit for the exam soon (say one month) after that training so that things are fresh in your head.

There could be deadline to sit for the exam after taking the training but I am not aware of it, you are better off contacting springsource for these kinda questions.
15 years ago
As long as you understand what is going on it doesnt matter with or without the course.

Since you do not have experience, the only option you have is to take the training and sit for the exam within a month of that.
15 years ago
As long as you understand what is going on it doesnt matter with or without the course.

Since you do not have experience, the only option you have is to take the training and sit for the exam within a month of that.
15 years ago
yes, 80% is quite high, but that is no reason I should fail. I should be have prepared better.

It is particularly difficult target since there are no mock exams, moreover the questions vary from high level concepts to low level configuration details and Interface names. It is quite difficult to remember the low level details for the vast syllabus which includes Core Spring, Spring-WS, Spring Security.
And I don't think that I took this exam that seriously (I should have considering that I currently program in spring and really enjoy using all the features provided by spring) since I have done loads of technical certifications.

I wont register for the exam anytime soon since I have a few other commitments
15 years ago
yes, 80% is quite high, but that is no reason I should fail. I should be have prepared better.

It is particularly difficult target since there are no mock exams, moreover the questions vary from high level concepts to low level configuration details and Interface names. It is quite difficult to remember the low level details for the vast syllabus which includes Core Spring, Spring-WS, Spring Security.
And I don't think that I took this exam that seriously (I should have considering that I currently program in spring and really enjoy using all the features provided by spring) since I have done loads of technical certifications.

I wont register for the exam anytime soon since I have a few other commitments
15 years ago
I just gave the exam 2 hours back, here is what I got after giving the exam

Unofficial Examination Results
Your Score : 72%
Your Grade: Fail

I dont have anything much to say other than that.

I cant decide if I should give it again or not?

Here is what I used for studying.
15 years ago
I just gave the exam 2 hours back, here is what I got after giving the exam

Unofficial Examination Results
Your Score : 72%
Your Grade: Fail

I dont have anything much to say other than that.

I cant decide if I should give it again or not?

Here is what I used for studying.
15 years ago

As per my understanding the question that they ask are not related to the API. Can you provide some guidelines on the type of questions that they ask?

Are questions 2 - 3 lines or do they have a detailed code/spring configuration and multiple questions related to the code?

Certain topics that are covered in the spring course but are not specified in 'Suggested topics'
- spring batch
- contract first web service desing
- spring integration with struts
- Task Scheduling with Spring
- Using JavaConfig to create the spring application context rather that using XML.

Are these included in the exam?
15 years ago
Has anyone attempted the Prince2 Foundation Certification?

I am contemplating perparing for that exam but I need more information about it i.e number of hours of study required, pass rate, a better fourm than the one provided on the site.
I am looking for generic database certification, nothing specific a particular database.
I am also looking at it from an application developer point of view, so I will be interested in SQL side of things rather than db administration.

Is such a certification avaliable?

Ram Subramanian wrote:hi... have you started preparing for certification.. can we form a group, where we can share our ideas, and discuss out things.

i got grandfather recognition as well.. they have provided me with a coupon number. do i still need to pay any money to appear for certification exam.


Sure we can form a group.

Sorry I have been a little bit lazy in checking this thread/forum been a bit busy with other things.
15 years ago
60 questions, 180min.
15 years ago
I am qualified, and I have got the voucher from springsource.

I would like to know - for the exam should I read anything more than the stuff stated above?
15 years ago