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Steve Sugden

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since Aug 20, 2005
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I know this is an old thread but I thought I'd share my solution. I'd never heard of JFormatedTextField before and was disapointed by this obvious bug. So I took a quick look at the source code and decided to override the processFocusEvent method. It checks that the 'text' is empty and if it is calls setValue(null). This seems to work as I presume null passes the validation check.

Hope this helps someone.
12 years ago

Originally posted by Steve Morrow:
As a very mild nitpick


You miss this -

int i = 3.5;

There is such a thing as over-studying so I think its time for me to stop for tonight.

Anyone else care to admit such a howler?
Perhaps its the creating of *two* strings on line 13? One is the literal "xyz" (created in a similar way to "abc" on the next line) and the other is created when the "new" operator is invoked. x refers to the "new" String; as stated the "xyz" literal is "lost".

Does this help?
You have the right reason -
"Bcz abstract method is declared as private so we can not inherit is so there is no implementation.."

You can't have an abstract private method because the concrete class can't override that method (an therefore implement it).

So line 2 (b) is where the compiler falls over. Like this

---------- Capture Output ----------
> "C:\j2sdk1.4.2_05\bin\javac.exe" C:\javawork\
C:\javawork\ illegal combination of modifiers: abstract and private
private abstract void m1(); // 2
1 error
> Terminated with exit code 1.
Many thanks Nick. Tis as I thought then, oh well....

(Nice list of letters in your sig. block by the way!)
For what its worth, I agree with Rubens and Arvind. "Nick" appears to be the only String object not referenced.

Are we right? Can I have my certificate now?

Hello everyone.
I may have left it a bit late to ask this (my exam's on Monday afternoon) but here goes anyway...

I have been preparing for the 1.4 programmers exam using Kathy and Bert's wonderful Study Guide (how am I doing so far?).

My question relates to the practice "MasterExams" that come on the CD with the book. How realistic is the way the MasterExam program works? For example -

A. Do the questions in the real exam display the Sun objective in the title of each question? I found that quite useful when doing the practice exams and thought that perhaps Sun won't be as nice.

B. When you answer the last question (on the MasterExam) you are immediately given the results. (I was so surprised the first time that happened that I clicked on a few buttons and lost the opportunity to review my wrong answers ). I am assuming that in the real Sun exam that I will be able to go back and review my answers, esp. those that I have marked.

Thanks in advance for any advice anyone can give me.