Prasanna Narayanan

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since Aug 22, 2005
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Recent posts by Prasanna Narayanan

I know that I can integrate LDAP with jBPM version 3.2.x. However the official documentation does not give any clue on how to integrate LDAP with jBPM 4.x. Is that possible still?
13 years ago
I am looking for information on the same. Until version 3.x the documents refer to removing certain config entries in Hibernate config xml and extending a handler class. But the classes have changed in 4.x and now it doesn't seem possible.

In case you are looking for support of 3.x version this doc might help you. ref Sec: 11.11.3.
13 years ago
I am using Websphere version 5.1 Server and my login filter for j_security_check is not called when submitting the request although the j_security_check is called and thus the user is authenticated. Is there any thing I am missing, I have mapped the filter to '/j_security_check'.
16 years ago
Hi there, I have a embedded swing component in my RCP application (aka SWT_AWT.new_Frame)which in turn holds an awt panel . I have to send the CTRL+x/c/v/z/y events from the RCP application to the embedded swing . Can anyone help me how to accomplish this? Thanks in advance
17 years ago
i have a servlet(Servlet01) in package A.
i need to forward the control to another servlet (Servlet02) in package B.
when i try this i doesnt work.
nor this
can any one help me plz.
note :in web.xml

18 years ago