sravan revuri

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since Aug 24, 2005
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Recent posts by sravan revuri

Can any one suggest me to develop custom items
like canvas with text fields i.e sudoku game scrren like

tell me the references
other wise give the example code

i want this solution please
18 years ago
Can any one help me to design a game with 9*9 rows with custom items

i am trying for this since one month

i want develop a custom item in j2me please help me

if u have similer code
send me
id is
18 years ago
Can any one help me to design a game with 9*9 rows with custom items

i am trying for this since one month

i want develop a custom item in j2me please help me

if u have similer code
send me
id is
18 years ago
Hi I downloaded j2me polish but i did not get the sample application

i got one zip file which contains jar files, xml files , menu folder only

I want a exaple application from where can i download
what is wrong with download please
18 years ago