savita jadhav

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Recent posts by savita jadhav

Hello all
Today I passed SCWCD 1.4 with 79%.Thanks to HSFJ and javaranch.Its not that big score but I am happy with that.I read HSFJ and had Whizlab.But whizlab is too difficult so left it .I would suggest that only HSFJ is enough.Also I read spec for subject which I couldn't get from HSFJ. Exam is very straightforward and easy compared to whizlab and Final mock exam in HFSJ.
Thanks Kathy ,Bert and Bryan u all did a wonderful job.Thank you to javaranch guys and gals for helping me out with my questions .

Can anyone tell the difference between Front Controller and MVC?Savita


Which of the following tasks may happen in the translation phase of JSP page?


Select 2 correct options.

1 Execution of _jspService() method.

2 Execution of jspInit() method.

3 Creation of the servlet class corresponding to the JSP file.

4 Instantiation of the servlet class.

5 Loading of the servlet class.

What is the correct answer?and why?


I think PUT is non idempotent.In the spec they have mentioned that it is not idempotent.

This method does not need to be either safe or idempotent. Operations that
doPut performs can have side effects for which the user can be held accountable.[

Hi Narendra
Thanks for clearing the doubt but still I am little confused. I was looking the spec which I got through links of scwcd . But it doesn't have 400 pages it has only 374 can u please tell how to get the spec of which u r reffering i.e jsp-2_0-fr-spec.pdf.

Hello all
I want to know which methods r idempotent?
According to my understanding GET and HEAD are the only methods which are idempotent.All Other methods are not idempotent

Am I right?

Thanks all of you and especially you phil.I didi got your point.


There r lot of questions in whizlabs regarding useBean attribute beanName.But I looked in the objective the beanName attribute is not specified.And also in HFSJ there is no explanation about beanName attribute.So I was wondering is beanName attribute is included in the exam or not?

Hello all,
So in short
1.The <body-content> is not mandatory
2. Its default value is JSP
3.But for simple tag its scriptless

Am I right?
Thanks alot all of you
I am fully confused about the <body-content>.
what is the default value of <body-content> of <tag> element ?
Is it JSP or scriptless.For custom tag implementing is the default value different?

please help

Thanks alot

This question was from JDisscuss SCWCD1.4
