4 weeks to the day after sitting essay exam, I have received the good news! About 3.5 years to the day after downloading the exam I might add. LOL
Here's the breakdown of my scores:
General Considerations: 90/100
Documentation: 70/70
OOD: 30/30
GUI: 25/40
Locking: 80/80
Data Store: 40/40
Network Server: 40/40
I suspect I lost points on the GUI due to using a null layout for my main window. I knew this might be an issue but that is how I was taught and I like the control it gives so I decided to play guinea pig on this idea. Well, got the answer! I was fairly certain I nailed locking because I used ideas and test classes from my good buddies Roberto and Roel (these are referenced in SCJD FAQs). I strongly suggest reading them and using the test classes. There are some other test classes and JUnit tests available on this site if you search. I have no experience with multi-threaded programming so I needed all the help I could get. I was sure I would lost points for my server because I completely forgot to provide validation for all or most of it. I was cautious to the T on all other parts of the application that had user input. Dumb luck, I guess...not complaining, that's for sure!