Anne Crace

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since Aug 29, 2005
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Recent posts by Anne Crace

Thanks, Paul. I changed the query to this: and set the variable like this It isn't pulling back the right number but it is compiling, so I think I can figure it out from here.
I am getting the following error in MS SQLServer 2005:'' The multi-part identifier "myJavaVariable" could not be bound.'
Here's the code:
fileName is a String and I have tried using an alias and it still blows up. I am using Tomcat 6 and sqljdbc4.jar for the driver.
It works in the query pane when run like this
Thanks for the reply, Tim,

The problem is my jsp is a portlet and I got the first 15 with scriptlet tags (I know, bad practice, but my lead prefers them to jstl and it was easier for me as a pretty green web programmer). I was able to submit the collection and the counter variable to a servlet, but not sure how to go about repopulating the table with the rest of the images. The fact that they exist before any server call confuses me. Maybe I need to check for a variable that doesn't exist yet on page load but will after the servlet is called (return it on the response) ?
15 years ago
I hope I am not posting in the wrong forum but the basic algorithm I need is straight Java. I need to display a series of images in a table 5 images across and 3 rows deep. I have that part working with a forEach loop and a counter variable. The problem is, when the number of images is greater than 15, they want to display the next 15 or however many images there are. I was thinking 'continue' but don't think that logic is quite right. This is a web app, and I am printing out <tr> </tr> every time the counter %5 is equal to 0. This gives the desired result for the first 15 images, but I am clueless how to display the remaining images in the same table (in place of the first 15). Hope this is clear enough. I am clueless ???
15 years ago
That's the point I was getting at. The http option works every time. I am looking into javascript to display the images as a slideshow. JQuery specifically. I am pretty green with server side Java and javascript so I may be asking more ?s!
15 years ago

Deployment is moot -- what about the systems where the browsers will be run?

It is on a closed intranet. Secured, intelligence environment, if that helps. Will the URL option give me a better result?
15 years ago
The system that this portlet will be deployed on will have a drive mapped to a similar directory, so that is pretty much not a problem. I am using a Value Object to hold data about the images. Here is the constructor:

I am thinking I need to do something with the URL class (http://dodocrep/mypath/myfile works just fine) and a plain old String for the path.
15 years ago
I have a jsp that is an Aqualogic portlet, and it is supposed to display a series of images 5 columns wide. It works fine in IE 6 but I get the place holders in Firefox. Here is the source code from Firebug for one of the images: file:////dodocrep/images/MyImgEdits/thumbs/Eye_Spy1255632817114.jpg
( //dodocrep is a virtual directory residing below the root directory of an IIS server and it is not on my localhost) I have a collection of URIs containing the paths to the images and am looping through them to do the output. I used File.toURI() to get these URIs. The only thing I see that might be suspect is the 4 forward slashes after file. The browser won't render that as an address but works fine if I take off the leading file://. Any thoughts?
15 years ago
I had to play around with what I sent in to that test class to get it to work properly. For instance, I included the valid flag in mine, so I had to send in something equivalent to 2 bytes. It's a great test but does need to be modified for individual users. Good luck
I used 1 as my start number because I displayed it in my table - more intuitive to the user. I documented it in my choices.txt. I don't think this one is going to make or break you. Roel passed using 0, I passed using 1. You can choose whichever one feels better to you. I might add my decision added complexity to my solution.

Time to throw an amazing "I'm finally a SCJD"-party to relax after 3.5 years hard work

Post Today 9:55:34 AM Subject: Passed SCJD 385/400

Roel De Nijs wrote:Time to throw an amazing "I'm finally a SCJD"-party to relax after 3.5 years hard work

Please invite us

You're all invited! I will be drinking some celebratory non alcoholic beer! I just noticed something, they made a mistake in calculating my score. See if you catch it. It's not 385, but still a decent pass. Again, I'm not complaining!
15 years ago
4 weeks to the day after sitting essay exam, I have received the good news! About 3.5 years to the day after downloading the exam I might add. LOL
Here's the breakdown of my scores:
General Considerations: 90/100
Documentation: 70/70
OOD: 30/30
GUI: 25/40
Locking: 80/80
Data Store: 40/40
Network Server: 40/40

I suspect I lost points on the GUI due to using a null layout for my main window. I knew this might be an issue but that is how I was taught and I like the control it gives so I decided to play guinea pig on this idea. Well, got the answer! I was fairly certain I nailed locking because I used ideas and test classes from my good buddies Roberto and Roel (these are referenced in SCJD FAQs). I strongly suggest reading them and using the test classes. There are some other test classes and JUnit tests available on this site if you search. I have no experience with multi-threaded programming so I needed all the help I could get. I was sure I would lost points for my server because I completely forgot to provide validation for all or most of it. I was cautious to the T on all other parts of the application that had user input. Dumb luck, I guess...not complaining, that's for sure!
15 years ago
I never used that tool . I used Eclipse initially to compile and when near complete used Roel's Ant script, found here: Ant Build for SCJD. Ant really simplifies things and the learning curve is not too steep. It is really worthwhile to learn how to use it.
Again, mine is similar to Roel's. I have a menu only on main Gui (the one described above) and the Server. That one only has File/Exit. My standalone and network client use Dialogs, so no menu.