Martin Borovnik

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since Aug 30, 2005
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i use the tablerowsorter of java 6. i have 40000 rows in my table, if i want to sort, the sorter needs more than 7 seconds to sort the table! can there be any mistake i made, or is the rowsorter not so perfect? ;-)

kind regards
16 years ago
hey! thanks for your request.
16 years ago
i want to make tablerows invisible, but i can't find a way to do that!
can anybody help me?

kind regards

16 years ago
isn't it possible to make a progressbar, frame or window modal to a frame?
the only way i found to hold these components on top is 'alwaysOnTop(true)'
but this is not, what i want.

my problem:

i want to load something on a server. my application is a jframe. at the time of the upload, my application should be disabled, so i can do nothing, but i see the progressbar. then, if something goes wrong, for instance, or i have other things to ask the user, i want to show a dialog. and now, there is the problem....when i close the dialog, and the parent frame is disabled, the parent frame loses the focus and gets behind any other window, for instance firefox or other applications. but the disable ist the only possibility to hold the progressbar on top. so there is a chain, that i cannot break!

dialog modal, progressbar on top of my application, application is disabled - other applications come on top after closing the dialog.

OR dialog and application is modal, but i can work in my application, while progressbar is there and nothing should be done AND after clicking into my app, the progressbar is behind my application.

i hope i could tell it, so that you know what i mean, my english isn't the best

hope, you can help me!

best regards!
17 years ago

i've following problem:

i have 2 hashtable with products. one for official products, one for own products.
then i have 2 tables, one for the officials, one for the own products.

a third table shows special offer products. these are products from the other tables. now i can change values in the 3rd table and the values should also be changed in the others.

my problem - the gui is very slow. if i look to the other tables, they just show checkboxes (renderer) after one or two seconds. the problem is, that i have to set the tablevalues new, after changing a value. so i have 10000 products (rows) with 13 columns and for each changed value i have to make an array with these products from the hashmap.

is there an easier way? i hope so, because all the time building an array from a hashmap is not opti ;-)

19 years ago
hi again!

another problem with my jtable:

i want to get a jpopupmenu with right click on the table. the problem is, that i have checkboxes as well as textfields in the table. i only want the popup, if the component is a textfield and ONLY if the textfield is editable. how can it get the component in the selected cell?
if i write getTable().getComponentAt(mouseEvent.getX(),mouseEvent.getY()) the method returns jtable...

19 years ago

how can i set a selection with right mouse click in jtable? it only works with left mouse clicks. my table has single_selection mode.

19 years ago