Lalit mishra

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since Sep 01, 2005
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Recent posts by Lalit mishra

1Z1-809 Java SE programmer II is in development stage any idea when this will be available for beta certification any rough estimates ?
Hi All,
I would like to use spring in place of Factory pattern and would require some help or code samples for that.
a brief background what I am trying to achieve
Based on the account type I want to create a validator class which performs validation over it.
if account type is TA
then create an instance of TradingAccountValidator
if accoun type is BA
then some other instance...
please help....

15 years ago
Hi all,
How do we call the @remove method from ejb client. A code snippet would be a great help.

Hi All,
Could you tell me whether IntialContext lookup vs EJBContext lookup methods are same or different, I mean i can use any one of the method for lookup ?

Hi all,
when and why will we use @init method in a session bean when we have @Postconstruct which could be use?

I think dependency injection is failing due to which the ejb is not loaded could you please share the source code

Hi All,
Could you tell us the important topics in specs ?

Thanks for help....
EJB 3.0 specs is quite huge. which all topics should be prepare within that.
HI All,
I am a Java developer would like to give SCBCD 5 certification if I invest 2 hrs daily approximately in how many months I will be able to clear certification.

Do we have admin console in JBOSS similar to Websphere and Weblogic ?

Lalit M.
16 years ago
I would like to give OCA developer certification for sql and pl/sql, please let me know which exam can I give and also please let me know the exipry dates of the certification.
Hi ,
So at my experience(2.5 yrs) is it the correct time to try for SCEA. In the mean time I will learn EJB 3.0 and JSF and till I complete my certification I think my experience will be 3+ yrs. Please suggest...

Hi all,
I have 2.5 yrs of industry experience in java/j2ee I have never work on EE5. I want to work on new technologies like EJB3,spring or hibernate but with most of the oraganisation still working on J2ee there is not much scope to do that, so would like to know whether SCEA certification would be a right choice ? as doing a specific technology(EJB 3.0) related certification is not helpful as I am not sure if in near future i will get a chance to work on EJB 3.0. Please suggest If I can do SCEA.
