mohamed sulibi

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Hi All;

in my opinion i think there are two solutions to the limitation in the interface provided:
1- Create anew intermediate interface that will contains news methods and used in the local/remote mode (ex. Data-->MyInterface-->SUNInterface), OR
2- Use adapter design pattern to Adapt an instance of SUNInterface to a new interface (MyInterface) and use this instance in local/remote mode.

In solution one you must provide implementation for all public methods in the Data class and another methods specific to you context.
but in solution two you provide only specific methods that will use the public method of the data class, and in this solution the GUI client are limited to specific methods that provide desire functionality.

Best Regards.
Mohamed Sulibi
SCJP, SCJD, SCWCD in progress.


best regard.
15 years ago
Dear All;

Thank you all finally after 2 years i passed with the following comments:

This report shows the total number of points awarded for each section. The maximum number of points is 400, to pass you need a minimum score of 320.
Section Summary: Section Max Actual Points
Points General Con: 100 85
Documentation: 70 70
OOD: 30 30 GUI: 40 26
Locking: 80 80
Data Store: 40 40
Network Server: 40 40
Total: 400 371

Best Regards.
Mohamed Sulibi
SCJP, SCJD, SCWCD in progress .... (from 3/7/2009 - till now).
15 years ago

why you will bother your time as the icons are not needed but make sure that all your GUI or User Interface requirements are met, i see people here who has submit icons failed due to problem in the path of these files.

but it is your decision.

Best Regards.
Mohamed Sulibi
SCJP, SCJD in progress (From 1/8/2007 till now and i hope to submit after 36 hours)
dear Leandro;

test it on different resolution setting and also on different machine contain same VM and resize your windows then see your windows if it is nice then go ahead , what you think ?

Best Regards.

i only write the following informations:

Exact version of JDK I used:


Host platform I worked on:

Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2

i think it is enough.


Best Regards.
Mohamed Sulibi
scjp , scjd in progress ( from 1/8/2007 till now may be next week).

if the current thread already holds a lock than repeated calls to lock would return immediately.

i think regarding: "... if the specified record is already locked by a different client, the current thread gives up the CPU and consumes no CPU cycles until the record is unlocked." you mean that : "... if the specified record is already locked by the SAME client, the current thread DON'T gives up the CPU and STILL consumes CPU cycles." . i think it will break the logical record lock. ...... may be or may be not ... what you think ?

Best Regards.
Mohamed Sulibi
SCJP, SCJD in progress (From 1/8/2007 till now but may be after 5 weeks and may be not)


So to put this thing in a short sentence. You suggest that I can allow deadlocks if same client tries to lock the same record more than once.
If I'll do that I'll definitely mention it in javadoc.

Does anyone else have opinion on this?

yes i did that as the javadoc state "the current thread gives up the CPU and consumes no CPU cycles until the record
is unlocked" ====> mean "until the record is unlocked explicitly" so in your code:

yes this situation will make deadlock in my code and i solve this problem simply by don't exposing the lock/unlock methods so i can solve the deadlock
also clients dying in the middle of his locking.

Best Regards.
Mohamed Sulibi
SCJP, SCJD in progress (From 1/8/2007 till now but may be after 5 weeks)

also my understanding of the javadoc for find is:

best regards.
Mohamed Sulibi
SCJP, SCJD in progress (From 1/8/2007 till now).

[Edit to fit on a page]

Dont worry, I let you know if you are wrong before. ;)

thank you ... so i will give you half of the re-submission fee.

please did you write in you choices.txt about this interpretations or thought ? because i think it is not needed to state that "i consider this javadoc mean ... ".

Best regards.
Mohamed Sulibi
SCJP, SCJD in progress (From 1/8/2007 till now)

Your findByCriteria will (or should) return all 3 records.

why should not may be or it my thought about the javadoc ?, actually i interrupt as it will return also the 1 result.

best regards.
Mohamed Sulibi
SCJP, SCJD in progress (From 1/8/2007 till now).

2. The search in the GUI:
Beside the ability to search for all reacords and for records where both criteria match
a) The GUI must allow the user to search for records where the name field or the location field exactly match values specified by the user.
b) The GUI must allow the user to search f

hi Sergiy Kononenko iam with you. i will upload my assignment next week and i think after 5 week you can see if i pass or failed .


also i will not write any think in my choices.txt file regarding this issue because it a requirement. i think any one alter this behavior must write in choices.txt about his thought so the examiner will understand his thought. may be or may be i am wrong and i will fail after 5 weeks.
what do you think ?

Best regards.
Mohamed Sulibi
SCJP, SCJD in progress ... (from 1/8/2007 till now but may be after 5 weeks)
hi all;

I implemented the sortor for the table using the following code:

i don't know but I think this code will give us more control on the sorter than just .

please what you think guys ?

best regards.
Mohamed Sulibi
SCJP, SCJD in progress (from 1/8/2007 till now)

thank you all for your reply i think i will refactor my choices.txt file so i can organize and remember the main decision i made.

Best Regards.
Mohamed Sulibi
SCJP, SCJD in progress (from 1/8/2007 till now)