David O'Meara

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since Mar 06, 2001
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Recent posts by David O'Meara

have you checked that you are running tomcat as the same user that you are using to deploy the web service?
It looks like a file permission problem, separate to both tomcat and web services.
13 years ago
I can't remember where I first heard the expression "I'm taller than my hair"
13 years ago
agreed, but as a community run by volunteers it will not happen unless one of us is able to pick it up.
While I believe that the process could be improved in terms of ease and friendliness, the current process satisfies the requirements of being able to choose to unsubscribe from emails. It may be that we are able to improve this while still being able to provide emails to members but again must stress that these code changes do not write themselves.
13 years ago
no sorry, there was some spam posted which was removed.
I also edited your post to remove reference to the spam account.
13 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, and as one who has been critical of other sites not adhering to an easy-to-complete unsubscribe, you have my agreement and apologies.
I'll raise a note to see if anyone is able to complete this work, and if no one is able to find the time (we're volunteer run) I'll pick it up ASAP.

13 years ago
it is thread safe, since only one thread is able to alter the value of the shared state (ie the 'x' instance variable).
It just isn't a very good way to achieve thread safety.
13 years ago
If you cretae your own Exception class there is no reason that you cannot attach your information to it.
13 years ago
yep, fine thanks.
13 years ago
(insert dancing banana)
13 years ago
More money for everyone!
although I think we have slipped off topic
13 years ago
So I had to go and find the thread myself.
In future I suggest not posting sensitive information to public forums.
13 years ago
a solution was suggested above.
Allowing unrestricted deleting of messages caused a variety of unfriendly behavior (and I'm not prepared to go into the details) that it was necessary to stop people from being able to delete posts.
13 years ago
they show up under your name with each post and on your public profile, but I made the decision not to put them in the signature as this would make them too overbearing on the page.
They show up on JavaRanch Badges too.
13 years ago
I'm blogging this right now. I totally need to get this article finished and published.
13 years ago