Percy Densmore

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since Mar 06, 2001
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Recent posts by Percy Densmore

I found out today that I need to write an HP Exam for a Technical Support position before an interview will be granted. Pass mark is 80%.
Does anyone know of any resources to prep for this exam?

Networking, office products, application, troubleshooting & etc.
22 years ago
Here are a couple of links I used.
There are many resources on these sites and you can have questions emailed almost daily.
ExamCram Homepage
JDiscuss Homepage
23 years ago
I bookmarked it Corey. Certainly user friendly
I still use IE5 so it worked well for me. I would like to learn XML, just haven't had the time lately. I never used Javascript before either.
Trying to gather IT work experience right now with a SCJP2 cert.
Actually that is exactly what I did! I resubscribed which indicated that I already was on the list and then I went and unsubscribed.
So simple so sweet
Thanks for the reply
23 years ago
Still no replies?
Is there anyone from that can help?
Percy Densmore
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java� 2 Platform
23 years ago
Any Exam Cram experts out there?
I subscribed to Question of the Day emails for SCJP2. Now that I'm certified I want to unsubscribe. I select the check box and submit to Unsubscribe. I get this reply:
Re:your unsubscribe request
unsubscribe alert quiet
Sorry, but your email address:

is not listed as a member of �alert�.
Thus, you could not be unsubscribed.
Obviously I'm still listed to keep getting them. I have tried for 2 mos to unsubscribe including calling the 1-800 number on their website and was promised I would be taken off, that was a week ago.
What else can I do short of blocking them in my Outlook settings?
Should I resubscribe and then unsubscribe?
Percy Densmore
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java� 2 Platform
[This message has been edited by Percy Densmore (edited December 09, 2001).]
23 years ago
Mark, those responses are very thought provoking. I realise that HR people really don't have as much knowledge as I thought. One forgets their background is not as all-inclusive as one would expect from a Fortune 500 company.
Starting now, my resume will be breaking Java skills into a simpler array of strings
Percy Densmore
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java� 2 Platform
23 years ago
Has anyone ever got asked "Isn,t Java only web based?" This question is asked by IT & HR people. This concerns me when my resume has the string "Java" in my objective line
How do you respond, discreetly that is?

Percy Densmore
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java� 2 Platform
23 years ago
Job Well Done!!
"Preparing to fail and passing" is a very interesting theory
The beauty of Java is there are many areas to specialize in. It's a great problem to have.

Percy Densmore
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java� 2 Platform
23 years ago
There are some positions I noticed here, Vidhya. I found some in Canada too. Set up an account to send you emails of postings.

Percy Densmore
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java� 2 Platform
23 years ago
Excellent Job
Percy Densmore
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java� 2 Platform
23 years ago
Excellent Job

Percy Densmore
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java� 2 Platform
23 years ago
Job Well Done
Personally I benefited by having both JQ+ and JWhiz with 600 ques each. They are different which is good to expand your thinking about certain concepts. Marcus recommends both as being good value for your money.
Wish you well

Percy Densmore
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java� 2 Platform
23 years ago
Nice to see we both passed the same week. Feels some nice
Check out all your options. Check IT Personnel Pools in your area.
Percy Densmore
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java� 2 Platform
23 years ago
Excellent Job
Ashik, your link above doesn't work

Percy Densmore
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java� 2 Platform
23 years ago