Michael Carlson

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since Sep 11, 2005
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Recent posts by Michael Carlson

Thanks again.
18 years ago
How do you get index.jsp to forward a request to middle.jsp, and be able to access a string var in index.jsp.
18 years ago
I'm trying to run a simple web app, and I get the error:
Access to Tomcat server has not been authorized. Set the correct username and password with the "manager" role in the Tomcat customizer in the server manager.
I have tried to define a manager in the tomcat-user.xml file but have not had any luck. Please be specific if you can, as to what I can do.
I'm trying to run a simple web app in netbeans using tomcat server, but it I get this message:
Access to Tomcat Server has not been authorized. Set the correct username and password with the "manager" role in the Tomcat customizer in the Server Manager.
I have tried many things and have not had any luck.
18 years ago
I'm just trying to access the tomcat web server administation tool.
18 years ago
My user file is just like the one in the previous thread. View admin console page.
18 years ago
The other bartender told me to go here.
Can you post an example of your jsp page in your web app?
Tomcat works fine and I can deploy web apps, but when I try to access the admin console, It says unrecognized username or password. I tried adding manager role in the conf tomcat-user.xml, any ideas.
Os fedora 4
18 years ago
I'm having the same problem, but this did not work for me. I get invaled username or password. I'm using netbeans 5.0 if this makes a difference.
Thank you
18 years ago
Using netbeans 5.5 when I try to deploy a simple web service to the container( Sun Java System Application Server 9.0) I get an error that says:

Undeployment of component [CalculatorWSApplication] failed. Application CalculatorWSApplication is referenced by server and must be referenced by no server instances or clusters.
18 years ago
When I try to install I get no java development kit was found on this machine, and then a suitable jvm could not be found please select by selecting its java.exe file. I'm running J2EE.
You can just throw a new exception in the catch block that's not declared in the method header.
I just created an exception in a catch block, and it must be caught or declared to be thrown.
Hopes this helps.