mocca az

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since Mar 07, 2001
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there are several ways you can accomplish that
you can write function to handle that.
<script language="javascript">
function flipImage() {
imageName.src = "img_on.gif";

<img id="imageName" src="img_off.gif" onMouseOver=flipImage()>
so, first you need to id or name your image, then using some scripting change its current source to the one you want.
Keep in mind that id's and function names are case sensitive.
mocca az
[This message has been edited by mocca az (edited November 15, 2001).]
You need to register your servlet in file. In that file you are going to specify classpath to your servlet as well as servlet mapping. I have forgotten how to do that, but it is quite nicely explained in weblogic documentation.
23 years ago
In my opinion if you get yourself to the point where you can do 100% on jwebplus, SCWCD will be a joke. Paul and the group were quite quick to answer my questions when it comes to why is this this way.... Explanations are great and written in "english" not in tech language that you read and have no clue what the hell they are talking about....
Haven't tried whizlabs. Fact that they promised 600 questions and came up with 177 tells me something.
Once you are done first time, take another one immediately after and you will get different variety of questions. Although, I believe if you want to go through all of them you will have to do it at least three times in a row.
doGet(HttpRequest, HttpResponse)
doPost(HttpRequest, HttpResponse)
Is this legal, why and when?
Thank you
23 years ago
Citi bank
[This message has been edited by mocca az (edited September 27, 2001).]
23 years ago
you can try calling javascript submit() function on click of your button, just pass different param in the submit() function for each button...
23 years ago
the servlet is in the directory c:\tomcat4\classes. The servlet file is HelloWWW2.class. When I enter the URL - http://localhost:8080/servlet/HelloWWW2 I get an error message, as below. I am pretty sure that tomcat is set up ok because I get to the main tomcat index page when I enter the URL http://localhost:8080/
Here is the lengthy error message:
In the situation described above, your servlet should live in the C:\Tomcat\webapps\servlet\WEB-INF\classes\HelloWWW2.class
In your WEB-INF directory you must have configured deployment descriptor (web.xml) file, in which you must "register" your servlet.
23 years ago
If your docBase is in "webapps/myapp" you have to specify it as shown below.
<Context path="/myapp" docBase="webapps/myapp" debug="0" ....
If "myapp" directory is somewhere else, you will have to specify full path to it, otherwise tomcat won't know what are you talking about
<Context path="/myapp" docBase="C:\wherever\myapp" debug="0" ....
23 years ago
Correct answer is
<jsp:useBean name="People" class="People"/>
I am looking in the jsp1.2 syntax card under <jsp:useBean> and i don't see name. There is beanName but not name.
Also, according to the syntax card id="" is requred in <jsp:useBean>?
I have also read somewhere that beanName (name) and class="" can't be together in the same <jsp:useBean> tag.
Can someone care to elaborate on this...
I know someone had similar issue just few weeks back. If you search the post I'm sure you'll find it here...
23 years ago
While setting parameter username from request to name property of user bean we can do it two ways.
1) <jsp:setProperty name="user" property=="name" param=="username"/>
2) <jsp:setProperty name="user" property=="name" param==<%= request.getParameter("username") %> />
I'm ok with all this except property== .... Are two equals signs legal? Why?
Any explanation is greatly appreciated...
23 years ago
While setting parameter username from request to name property of user bean we can do it two ways.
1) <jsp:setProperty name="user" property=="name" param=="username"/>
2) <jsp:setProperty name="user" property=="name" param==<%= request.getParameter("username") %> />
I'm ok with all this except property== .... Are two equals signs legal? Why?
Any explanation is greatly appreciated...
23 years ago