Nila dhan

Ranch Hand
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since Sep 15, 2005
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Recent posts by Nila dhan

Hi All,

I am 8+ years experienced in the Java/J2EE technology in an India based IT company. I am trying to switch over to another company.

What are the skillset expected for a person who has 8+ years of experience ?

Can any one please clarify ?
10 years ago
Hi All,
I recently attended an interview for an MNC and cleared the technical discussion. I was asked to fill in a form with my educational and experience details and was told that there would be a telephonic discussion with the HR the following week. Its been 2 weeks and I heard nothing from them. Should I call them back and ask for status or should I wait ? Please advice.

12 years ago
Can we include in the resume , the awards and appreciations that we received for our work in the project ?

Thanks in Advance
14 years ago
Hi All,
I am trying to show a text as a tooltip. If the text has a space in between, the text wraps and the tooltip is displayed in two lines.
Is there any way, where the text can be displayed in a single line ?

Thanks in Advance.
I am using Collections for sorting. The Collections creates innerclasses say Class$1.

I havent noticed this behaviour previously. Is this expected?

Thanks in Advance
14 years ago
I am using Collections and Comparator class for sorting of values. This is working fine in the local development environment.
When I deploy it to the Unix Test environment, it is throwing a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError exception.
Any pointers is deeply appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.
14 years ago
There is a requirement that I have to work on.
There is one multiselect list box for products. Each product might have different models.
On multiple selection of the products, i have to populate the models dropdown.
Is there any way to implement this.

Thanks in advance

I have a multiselect list box. Based on the user selection of the list box, I have to populate another dropdown.
The user may select one or more values from the list box. Is there any way that I could submit the form after the user has finished multiple selection ?
Any thoughts?

Thanks in Advance
14 years ago
How to invoke a jsf action using ajax.
I have a MultiselectList box

Onclick of the List box, I have invoke an action in the CCW bean. The action is CCW>fetchResults()
Please advice
14 years ago
This is an issue with the calender date picker. There is a page with a date picker. If we choose some date and do a submit , then click the back button, the date refreshes to the current date. But the user selected date should be retained on clicking the back button.

Any suggestions / thoughts ?

Please advice.
I am working in a project for around 1.3 years and there is a onsite - coordinator who behaves peculiarly.. He escalaltes even very small issues.. asks to compensate even if I leave early or come late once in a while.. keeps watching if I am in office etc..

How to tackle such a person.. It is getting increasingly difficult and demotivating to work with such a kind of person
14 years ago
It would be mostly for surfing the net
15 years ago
Is Lenovo S10-2 ideal for personal use ? Please provide the merits and demerits of the Lenovo S10-2.

15 years ago
I need to parse an XML file and format it into a text document. Any pointers would be of much help.
