Rich Walton

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since Sep 16, 2005
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so you really need to create a role in your tomcat-users.xml called admin
and then a user with admin role eg.

and the same thing for the manager role

and then you can either create a new manager user or just add manager role to the admin user eg.

but Bill is right before you go any firther do some reading up on Tomcat and how to configure it etc. you dont want to open your web server to problems :-)
19 years ago
have you got this before your connection pool declaration in server.xml?

replace contextname with your context name

here is mine
19 years ago
dont know if this fits your requirement, but how about using some javascript?

that will give you a link that when you click will take you back
19 years ago

We going to need a bit more info to help you out, coudl you send us the code where your are forwarding to the jsp?

19 years ago