Karina Guenther

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since Sep 16, 2005
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Graduated From Metro State College with a BS in Computer & Management Science in 1986. Worked in Cobol and Mainframe programing until 2000 when I learned Java, Have steadily improved and expanded my skills in Java and moved into web development ever since.
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Recent posts by Karina Guenther

So, one issue I have is that this is being done by a different team and I'd have to ask them to make the changes. Also, How do I make Driver and Vehicle optional on my end?

Ron McLeod wrote:I would take one of these approaches:

1. Use the  HTTP response status codes to indicate the status of the requested resource:
   200 OK indicates ride in-progress (resource returned)
   410 GONE indicates ride canceled (no resource returned)
   404 NOT FOUND indicates ride not found (no resource returned)

2. Always return the requested resource, but make some fields/sub-objects optional:

1 year ago
I have a rest call that can return the following 2 json responses:

standard response:

and when there is no valid eta:
this is causing a parsing error because the Driver and Vehicle objects are now strings.

I'm using RestTemplate getForObject to get the eta and I was mapping to an object that matches the 1st response. NOw I have to handle the 2nd one as well. I can think of 2 methods to use:
1. catch the parsing error and then manually map what I need
2. catch it as a generic object and identify which one was returned and have the mapper map it. But I'm not sure how to do this 2nd one.

this is what my current object looks like:

1 year ago
How do you change a value in JSON? I need to change the value in   "facilityCode": 1013887,

I'm trying:

my json is:

And what I'm doing so far is:

1 year ago
Thanks so much for the detailed explanation. You verified some of what I was thinking. Yes at this time I am the only person on my branch. Furthermore, they have it setup that when a pull request is succesfully completed and the branch is merged it is deleted and I'm trying to keep my local branches clean as well.  Do you have a favorite location with clear - precise steps / commands for reference?

So, I've been doing some research on git rebasing as I'm the only person working on my branch and I'd like to avoid merge conflicts before the merge request finds them. I've found 2 methods using command line and I'm confused about the commands and if one is safer to use than the other. Then of course there's using merge from develop instead, but at least one of these recommends rebasing everyday.

One step that neither mentions is that if there are changes I've made that I do NOT want to commit that I need to stash them.

One method is from

git Rebase how to use it properly.

and it's steps are:
• go to your feature branch
• git fetch
• git rebase -i origin/develop. (NOTE: i don't fully understand what this command does... Is it pulling the newest from remote develop or just my local?)
• it will open the editor and remove all commits that are NOT yours
• then close the editor
• if there are conflicts, fix it manually, save and commit it
• git rebase — continue
• #important, don’t do any git pull to merge from remote
• git push — force-with-lease (overwrite the remote even there is divergent) (NOTE: this seems dangerous)

the 2nd is from git Best practices

It's steps are:
  • # grab the latest stuff from origin/master to update your local master branch
         > git checkout master
         > git pull origin master
  • # go back to MYBRANCH and now rebase with the changes in your local master branch
    >. git checkout MYBRANCH
    > git rebase master
  • # if you encounter merge conflicts… edit each affected file, then git add that file.  Then
    >  git rebase --continue
  • [list]# commit your updated branch to origin.  May require a -ff to force.
    >. git push origin MYBRANCH

    What steps do you prefer to ensure that your branch will merge?
    One of the biggest problems that I am having in applying for a job these days is passing the code challenges.

    Especially when they do things that I've not run into in the real world. I can do them fine except that it usually takes longer than the time allotted. Would this help me solve those faster?

    for example  math problems needing to know various math tricks like all the primes - I didn't know the math trick of looping only up to the square root.
    or processing lists. Usually I'm just streaming them and not comparing elements against each other. like finding the max difference between 2 numbers in an array without sorting it or things like that. Or

    Another was listing the 3rd grandchildren of a person. I've not needed to utilize a lot of regression and thinking through the logic of it took a long time.

    so agina:  Would this help me solve those faster?
    3 years ago
    I really liked this link posted previously as a way to help you decide where to start. But if you decide to make a career of software development, you will have to learn more than one language. coding is easy if you have a logical mind. Software Development is hard as there are a lot of pieces that you have to coordinate. And so your projects can grow, you need to learn architecture ie how to design your application so that it can grow and you can maintain it. One set of books that I recomend that teach this is the HeadFirst set of books. My only complaint is that they have yet to update their Java book to Java 8.  

    4 years ago
    So I made a modification and added

    Now I'm getting:

    4 years ago
    for some reason the following code won't compile:

    However, this does compile:

    So, unless I specifically state Collectors - it won't compile yet I see examples without it everywhere. Could the examples be wrong?

    My java version is:

    My import statements are:

    So, what is wrong?

    the error message I'm getting on the command line is:

    MathTricks.java:82: error: cannot find symbol
    4 years ago
    I know I can do that. HOWEVER, I don't want to have to do that. Plus, I still have to change the jre in the build properties. I want it to automatically use the java that I have specified in Eclipse when I create the project. Or even in some settings file somewhere.

    Ron McLeod wrote:Have you tried specifying the compiler version properties?

    5 years ago
    I'm trying to build a maven project in Eclipse using the "create a simple project / skip archetype". I have JDK 1.8xx, JDK 11 and jdk 12. In eclipse I have it pointed to jdk 12 for my installed jre.

    java_home is set to: java 12
    Maven is 3.6

    Right now when I create a empty simple maven project it defaults to java 1.5. I know I can change that in the pom, but I want to have it default to at least java 8 when It is created, so I don't have to do that.
    How do I do that? I've not really found an answer any place. It it even possible?
    5 years ago
    Eclipse IDE has a plugin called EGit which works to sync with github, gitlab or bitbucket.

    you may also require to setup ssh keys.
