1. How do I make changes made to page using DHTML/JS apply to the bean (i.e.
if I were to add a row of <input type="text"> using DHTML and instead of calling an addRow() method on the bean. How do I get JSF to recognize that new row?
2. <h:commandButton id="submitAdd" action="#{CalcBean.addValue()}" value="Add Even Values" />
Can I pass arguments to addValue(..)???
3. I have the following object tree.
class Bean {
PurchaseOrder po;
class PurchaseOrder {
List<LineItem> lineItems
class LineItem {
String type
float price;
I want to show a list of textboxes of lineitems of only certain type.
ataTable id="items" value="#{bean.po.lineItems}"
<h:inputText id="custom" value="#{lineItem.price}" required="true"/>
However the above will show all lineItems, I only want of a particular type.. basically I am looking for a alterative to the #{bean.po.lineItems} JSF EL expression.