Richard Rex

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since Sep 19, 2005
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Recent posts by Richard Rex


I just recently passed the SCBCD exam. How long will the actual certificate be delivered? My address is in Toronto, Canada.

I am planning to take the SCDJWS exam in 3-4 months from now. I know that the most recommended book here is the book by Richard Monson Hafael...
Has anyone also tried this book: Sun Certified Developer for Java Web Services Study Guide by Prasad Kukkamalla and Jerome Josephraj.

Any ideas are much appreciated!

I recently passed the exam. Just want to thank Bert and Kathy for the Head First book and to all the ranchers here for their postings. It really helped me a lot. I just did a part time review for two weeks (3-4 hours on week days and 6-8 hours on weekends) and I did it!

Next --> SCDJWS
17 years ago
Hi Yellappa,

Do you sponsor H1B visa?
18 years ago
Hi nandan johri,

Yes, i'm still preparing for EJB 2.0. i'll be taking by end of dec or early january 2007.
Hi Prabu Arumugam,

I also encountered before the same error you are having now. I haven't figure out why I was getting such an error. But I am pretty much sure that the error is not in the code, it's in my settings. So what I did is to start all over again. Try doing everything from scratch again. And this time make it slow and as accurate as it can be specially with the settings of your path and classpath. Good luck!
Hi shweta bulbule,

I have already ran this program. Thanks to all!

I just repeated everything. Uninstalled everything from my pc. Started all over again, from installation, setting the JAVA_HOME, J2EE_HOME, CLASSPATH, and PATH, and following the steps in the HFEJB Book. No rt.jar in CLASSPATH. Just the j2ee.jar and it worked fine.

Maybe you should do the same. Best of luck!
Congrats Darien Cheung! Job well done!!!
18 years ago
Hi Valentin,

I added the rt.jar in the CLASSPATH and was successfully removed the JDKBridge error however, I got another error saying...

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: loadClass0 at Method)

What's this JDKClassLoader and how do I fix this?
Hi Valentin,

I added the rt.jar in the CLASSPATH and was successfully removed the JDKBridge error however, I got another error saying...

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: loadClass0 at Method)

What's this JDKClassLoader and how do I fix this?
Hi Veena Point,

I added rt.jar in the CLASSPATH and was successfully removed the JDKBridge error however, I got another error saying...

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: loadClass0 at Method)

What's this JDKClassLoader and how do I fix this?

I started studying the HFEJB book and tried the first tutorial program there in Chapter 1 called AdviceApp. I was able to follow all throughout the steps. I successfully run the server. I was able to create the ejb-jar.xml using the deploytool. I was able to compile the client program successfully. But when I was trying to run the client program, using this command, (i'm using windows as my platform)

C:\projects\advice>java -cp %CLASSPATH%;AdviceAppClient.jar AdviceClient

I got this error saying...

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/corba/se/internal/util/JDKBridge at$LocalCodeBaseSingletonHolder.<clinit><> ...

What is this com/sun/corba/se/internal/util/JDKBridge all about? Am I missing something here?

Thanks in advance!

I started studying the HFEJB book and tried the first tutorial program there in Chapter 1 called AdviceApp. I was able to follow all throughout the steps. I successfully run the server. I was able to create the ejb-jar.xml using the deploytool. I was able to compile the client program successfully. But when I was trying to run the client program, using this command, (i'm using windows as my platform)

C:\projects\advice>java -cp %CLASSPATH%;AdviceAppClient.jar AdviceClient

I got this error saying...

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/corba/se/internal/util/JDKBridge at$LocalCodeBaseSingletonHolder.<clinit><> ...

What is this com/sun/corba/se/internal/util/JDKBridge all about? Am I missing something here?

Thanks in advance!
Thanks wise owen for that wonderful site! It did really helped me a lot!

I started studying the HFEJB book and tried the first tutorial program there in Chapter 1 called AdviceApp. I was able to follow all throughout the steps. I successfully run the server. I was able to create the ejb-jar.xml using the deploytool. I was able to compile the client program successfully. But when I was trying to run the client program, using this command, (i'm using windows as my platform)

C:\projects\advice>java -cp %CLASSPATH%;AdviceAppClient.jar AdviceClient

I got this error saying...

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/corba/se/internal/util/JDKBridge at$LocalCodeBaseSingletonHolder.<clinit><> ...

What is this com/sun/corba/se/internal/util/JDKBridge all about? Am I missing something here?

Thanks in advance!