priyaj jaydeep

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since Sep 20, 2005
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Recent posts by priyaj jaydeep

hi all,
is SCWCD 1.4 and SCBCD 1.3 being discontinued ? I found this on the following links:

which are the new exams ? and when are they going to be available ?
I dont have any experience as an architect, will giving scea help me to get an entry level architect job ?
does anyone have the link to Sun's pet store example ?
does it cover topics like JMS,Legacy connectivity and Transactions ?
Congratulations and all the best for parts 1&2,Ruud Steeghs .could you please advise me which book to refer (like HFSJ for servlets).
18 years ago
I am preparing for scea, could anyone please advise me which book to refer and mock exams.
hello everyone,
could anyone please suggest some valuable j2ee projects for academics .
Congratulations Sec Onda ! that's a great score !
I am a programmer too...wanting to be an architect, please guide me how to prepare for part 2 & 3 ...
which books did you refer ? do we need to implement the design project for part 2 & 3 exams ?
Hello Mr.Ajith Kallambella,
I read your profile in "TrailBlaizers" , did you give Sun ceritfications before joinning Harvard ? Did it help in getting the admission ?
congrats !!
were the actual exam questions similar to those in whizlabs ???
19 years ago
sorry ! I was not aware of the "Use real words" rule
19 years ago
could anyone pls tell me why static variables are not allowed in Inner classes (which are not static themselves) ?
19 years ago
Hi Esam....... how close were the quetions from whizlabs to the real test ? how much did u score in these tests ?
19 years ago
Hi Naresh....Congrats !
Please share with us ..which mock exams did u give ? did u use JQplus and Whizlabs ? how close r the questions to the real exam ?
19 years ago
what abt Whizlabs ? is it as good as JQplus ? has anyone tried it ?
19 years ago