Steve Hicks

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since Sep 22, 2005
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Do you cover "Open Session in view pattern" using Spring in this book. This would cover best practise/theory on using
14 years ago
A new version of this book for JEE 5 is available in rough cut format and will be in print Jan 10
There is a semi-official book which is in "Rough cut" status. See for when this will be published (as of today it seems that it is nearly ready for PDF download but with a date near Christmas for the hardback)
The book is in "Rough Cut" status at

I bought this and it looks very good (but only just over 1/3 of the pages published). For each objective there is a set of questions where the author gives typical questions and answers.

Initially the date of the published book was Q3 2009 but on Safari it has gone back to Q1 2010. That said where I queried the author on his blog, at , he reckoned it would still be complete in October
I have now got a working licence for the offline whizlabs practice exams

I suspect that Whizlabs will need to adjust their online practice exams. Which I hope they do since I have had success in all my Java Certifications with Whizlabs
Another bit of feedback is that not everyone can use Google gears on their PC

My PC is owned by the company I work for and they do NOT allow me to install Google gears on it

As I have stated above, this change does NOT suit me since I like to use a couple of the mocks WHILE I do the studying. I did this for my other certifications with your product and was happy. Indeed I recommended it to many colleges.

In fairness Whizlabs have offered me the offline simulator and ONCE I get a license to install that I will be happy.

However I suspect that my method of study is not that different from most people so I would prefer the product to be split with:
(a.) Two practise exams (best to make this an offline application to prevent people using it without paying). This can be used either while you are studying to check your progress or an addition practise exam. The objective tests should also be in the offline application.
(b.) Remaining practise exams with the three limit

I also think you should tell people before they buy about the three limit
I replied to the whizlabs "New enrolment in SCEA" email last Thursday

Whizlabs send me an email on Saturday (offering the offline version)

On Monday I asked them for the offline version.

I am now waiting for the offline version (I though I would wait for a few more days before nagging them).

I will update this thread when I get the offline version

Good News

Whizlabs have offered me the old (July 2009) off-line simulator. I will post when I get that up and running on my laptop
I posted a comment on this blog. It was polite, but to the point

I hope they publish it.

I will wait until Monday and then, unless they offer me the old application or change their policy, I will try and get a refund.
Yea, I started a new thread on the change of format. It certainly caught me out.

I wonder IF whizlabs did any customer feasibility about this - I suspect not
Rather than a downloadable application which you can use as you like, Whizlabs exams are just internet based where you can ONLY HAVE 3 goes at each exam

This is naff for me as I like to use one or two practise exams as I go through the syllabus to check my learning (then do the rest as mock exams when in the swot stage just before doing the exam)

So it is a to the new format (and at $99.95 a go)
I am pondering asking Whizlabs for a rebate and then getting the ePractize practise exams that are still a PC application
I had a similar surprise when I got a copy of the whizlabs exam.

I MUCH preferred the old format

I like to use one (or two) practise exams as I go along a certification just to check my learning - not possible with the new format (unless this can be done via Google gears - and I can use this on my work laptop!)

I have emailed Whizlabs but have not had a reply. I would like them to offer their old style PC application.

Anyone know when they switch over to this customer unfriendly version?