Devendra Inamdar

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since Sep 23, 2005
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Recent posts by Devendra Inamdar

How does synchronization work when a lock is acquired on an object which is pointed by a static reference? Is it a Class level lock because reference is static or an Object level lock because object is allocated from heap?

Here is an example of typical singleton

public class SingletonTest {

private Hashtable offerStatusCache = new Hashtable();

private static SingletonTest _cacheInstance = null;

private SingletonTest (){

_cacheInstance = new SingletonTest ();

public static SingletonTest getInstance(){
return _cacheInstance;

SingletonTest test = SingletonTest.getInstance()

Which lock is used when this statement is executed


It's true that the effect would be same as class level lock since object is a singleton.

Thanks in Advance
Hi Ranchers,
Today I passed IBM 256 with 65%. It is not a very good score but I had only 20 days for preparation and WSAD/RAD is not part of my daily job. I referred mainly to IBM Redbook pdf (sg246449.pdf), Some resources on dW ( and RAD help. I solved only one Magnet mocker mock exam. The real exam difficulty level was higher than mm exam.

Can anyone tell me what is the procedure for obtaining the IBM certificate ?
Thanks John and Michael.
I have been using RAD 7 for preparation of 256. Ya it can be used but for some features there are considerable differences. e.g. Struts wizards completely differ in RAD 6 and RAD 7. Also some properties in Windows->Preferences are different.
Congratulations Deep!!!
Hi Naresh,
In that case there should not have any difference between stateless and stateful session bean. In the scenario that you have described, the bean should then also get the client security information since ejbcreate is called only after client invokes a business method.
Thanks Jeanne.
17 years ago
Hi Cameron,
I don't have any problem with using RAD 7. Only because IBM exams 256/257 mention RAD 6?
[IBM Certified Advanced Application Developer - Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software V6.0 ].
17 years ago
Hi Ranchers,
I want to download trial version for RAD 6 but all the links seem to redirect to download page for "RAD V7.0". Does this mean RAD 6 is no more available for trial download?
17 years ago
Hi Ranchers,
I want to download trial version for RAD 6 but all the links seem to redirect to download page for "Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software V7.0". Can I use this for exams 256/257?
Congtaulations for a great score.
Yes I think it requires registration. And also it takes 4-5 business days for your exam details to appear in the certmanager database.

17 years ago
Hi Cameron,
Thanks a ton for your advice.
Test 256 looks good but how different is test 257 from test 256? If 257 has a good blend of language standards and tool specific features, is it advisable to go for 257 rather than 256? I have some background of web services also and have worked on WSAD based web services development.
best regards,
Thanks Bert and everyone.
I had messed up the mock exam. I took it one day before and scored 72%. I solved it in a great haste and consequently made a lot of silly mistakes. I also realized that I had not studied the environment chapter properly. So I just learned from the mistekes.
17 years ago
Hi Ranchers,
I have done SCJP, SCWCD and SCBCD and as a next step I want to do a certification in websphere application development. As of now I have an option to take tests/certifications related to WSAD 5.0 or RAD for WS 6. All WSAD certifications are going to retire by June 2007. So will it be a good idea to take tests related to RAD? How different is RAD from WSAD 5.0 as far as J2EE development is concerned?
thanks and regards,
Satou ,
To answer your question, Frankly speaking I have never used EJBs as a part of my professional experience, but I have been reading about it for quite a long time so I was comfortable with the basics like architecture and home/remote stuff. So it did take me 1 month (not necessarily everyday fixed effort) to appear for exam after starting Head first EJBs.
17 years ago