Abhijit Sontakey

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since Sep 26, 2005
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Recent posts by Abhijit Sontakey


I am new to J2EE as such. I have to build a system like forums using a J2EE framework. I would like to know the J2EE components such as Logging, Connection pooling, design patterns and other such components that will be involved in building the system. I would further like toknow whether Struts would be the right choice or there are some additional components.
Any help in this regard would be appreciated.

Hi Anirudh and Vladimir

Thanks for the reply. It was very helpful.
However I have a few queries. These are listed below:

1) Is it true that Hibernate is used only when larege no. of database transactions are required? There won't be much of database transactions for collaborative applications. So is Hibernate required?
2)Apart from the components in data access tier, business tier and presentation tier, what will be the components in Services/Utilities tier? e.g. Notification Servcie.

I would appreciate if you can answer the above mentioned queries.

Hi Vladimir,

Thanks for the reply. However it woud be great if you can provide some more information. I am looking for J2EE components that neeed to identified. Do i need to create a Notification Service, Exception Handlining component, Connection pooling, ? How to handle SSO across the enterprise in J2ee framework?

I would like to know these Data Access Layer and services layer components.
As all the applications would be developed in J2EE environment, will EJBs be required?

I would appreciate if you can provide the above mentioned information that I am looking for.


I am in the process of crteating a J2EE framework for building collaborative applications such as: Social Bookmarking, Social Networking,
Media Sharing, Collaborative workspaces.

I request help mainly in identifying the layers and J2EE components for each layer. As an example ConnectionPooling for Db access, Logging.

The components will be generic so that can be used by all applictaions.
I am planning to use Struts for presentation and no framework as such as Business layer.

I need help in identifying the J2EE components in a framework that will be required. Any help in this regard will be greatly appreciated.


I am working on a project where we need to write XSL to transform a XML file to HTML format. The HTML format is very complex and naturally required XSL will be very complex.

I am looking for a tool or a utility that can generate the XSL required to transform a given source XML file to HTML format. This will save a lot of time and effort for me.

Any help in this regard will be greaty appreciated.

Hi Joss,
Will formatting of MS Word be lost when OpenOffice or Jacob is used to transform MS Word to RTF format. Any help will be appreciated.

18 years ago
I want to display the xml generated as HTML text on intranet using stylesheet. Can anybody suggest as to how this can be achieved.
18 years ago

I was able to convert a .rtf file to XML format. However i am unable to convert a .doc file to .rtf format. Can anybody help in this regard. Any help willl be appreciated.

I have a requirement to convert a MS Word document (.doc) to .rtf format.
Can anybody help me in this regard. A sample code to convert .doc to .rtf format will be very useful.

18 years ago
I have a requirement to convert a word document to XML document that can be rendered to Web using XSL. I am looking for a code or a method to convert Word document to XML programmatically. Can any body help me in this regard. Any help will be appreciated.

18 years ago
I have a requirement to convert a word document to XML document that can be rendered to Web using XSL. I am looking for a code or a method to convert Word document to XML programmatically. Can any body help me in this regard. Any help will be appreciated.

The problem is i have used HttpUnit Testing to test the code.
Now it is taking more time compared to Junit. So i need to explain why HttpUnit is taking more time.Is it documented somewhere that HttpUnit is slower than Unit.
18 years ago
I am facing a problem wherein the my test using HttpUnit are taking more time to complete than the JUnit Test cases.
I am using WebConversation to get the response for a request and then compare the request against a predefined text:
Response res = WebConverstaion.getResponse(request).

Where following code takes lesser time:
PostMethod pm = new PostMethod("http...")

Can anzbody help me in this regard. Any help will me in this regard.
18 years ago
Thanks for the reply. However i have to manipulate word documents and print word documents at the printer selected by the user. itext and FoP are only for PDFs not for Word.
18 years ago
I have a requirement to print word documents from a servlet. The documents are to be printed at the client printer. User selects a printer to print the document. I am struggling to find a way to connct to the word document from servlet. I also have to add watermarks to the word document before printing. Can anybody help me in this regard. Any code examples will be of great help.
18 years ago