Nithya Venkatesh

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since Sep 27, 2005
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Recent posts by Nithya Venkatesh

Congrats !!!

Which version of the exam did you take...
is it 1.5 or 1.4?
Also, if it is 1.5, can you suggest any good study materials.
I am planning to take 1.5 exam, Is 1.5 similar to 1.4, are the study materials used for preparing 1.4 sufficient for 1.5. Please suggest, i am confused.

i am new to reports, am able to create and run basic reports successfully, but i want the details abt the scriptlet and crosstabs...
how can we make use of them, a step by step approach will be more helpful as i wanted to create a sample and run it myself.
are there any demo's available?
any detail documents?
Please help me on this... i need it urgently
i use iReport1.2.5.

Thanks in advance
17 years ago
I have created a web application with Jasper reports. during the stress test, we were able to run the same report simultaneously for 100 concurrent users, after that we get the following error. I hope there is no problem in my code (correct me if i am wrong)
We use Web Sphere

The error we get is as follows:

The path it searches for the file is correct

if this really cannot find the file, then how could it run successfully for 100 users?
Have anyone experienced this problem?

Thanks for your help.
17 years ago