Abhijit Kumar

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Some links which I regularly keep checking...




Not recommended at the start of the work day, except you enjoy 'schadenfreude'.

16 years ago
I have been onsite for few weeks (UK) and apart from flying international and seeing clean roads, I was able to save a tidy amount of allowance.

Overall, it was a good experience with some good amount to take back home.

16 years ago

Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
Yes, receiving a pay increase is really bitter. :roll:

Seeing single digit hikes all around...for which people are grateful as it's better than a salary cut or worse job loss.
16 years ago
As the real estate sector slows down, people prefer to live in rented accomdations and wait till things settle down.

BTW, 15k for 1 BHK is shocking. Here in Delhi one can get a comfy 3BHK society falt for that amount. Also thanks for the inputs, I would keep in mind the rent while negotiating with the company.

16 years ago

Originally posted by ramya narayanan:
Is it true that the percentage of skilled force is very very less even in these downtrodden economic situation?
Also I want other's opinion on how they construe a skilled force?

Skilled are always less than required anytime and anywhere. But there is one thing to consider, if the requirement is just to swat a fly, you don't need a Rifle, just the day old newspaper would do. So the Rifle (in this case Skilled guys) would feel superior to the day old newspaper, but the at the end of the day the newspaper is gettiing the job done too and getting same perks/praise as the Rifle.

So my suggestion and strategy is to look for companies and profiles where Rifles are required. . Also as Arulk said, work on what you could control rather than spend energy on something you can't.

16 years ago
To everything the post says, I have just one thing to say..."Life is unfair.". Even Bill Gates said that, if that adds any weight to my reply.

For a hard working, sincere person it's difficult to see slackers getting same recognition and/or compensation. Get over it...if somebody does not rise above average his/her future is also average.

I have witnessed this around me, and rather than bother about I have concentrated on my work, hard and soft skills. Also stayed away from office politics which proved good for me in long term.

16 years ago

Originally posted by Roshni Singhania:
Actually I was looking for a "minimum" range that an IT fresher should agree to and not agree to anything below that.

The focus here is misplaced. As a fresher, one should primarily look at learning opportunities. Salary is secondary, and more so during such tough times. So the 'minimum' would be nice pocket money + some savings. So if the salary offered covers your lodging,boarding,pocket money and some savings requirement, I guess it's enough. Anything above that is cherry on the cake.

Also my experience with juniors in college was that they put too much emphasis on salary and the one who gets the highest CTC is the coolest one. In the long run, the one who gets learning opportunities is the winner.
16 years ago

Originally posted by Paras Jain:
I need some suggestions for my friend who is looking for job in India. Currently he is working in Chennai and getting 8.5Lac INR per annum plus around 1Lac in various bonuses and peformance driven pays

He got an offer from a UK based banking firm in Pune. The offer is of 12 Lac per annum. He has heard that compared to Chennai cost of Pune is high? How far is that true. What is the average or median salary for a 8 year exp professional in Pune?

So your friend wants to know which city is more suitable or want to 'negotiate' the offered salary *after* understanding the differences?

Pune is cheaper than, say Hyderabad or B'lore. Since Pune companies are not located at the same place, the real estate prices have not sky rocketed (like at Hi-tec/Madhapur in Hyderabad). Also Pune is blessed with pleasant climate and has cosmopolitian culture.

16 years ago
Well I can't help you with how good the job market for your skill set is, but could tell you that finding a UK job WHILE staying in India is difficult, if not impossible.

The 'process' works like, that one gets HSMP (now Tier 1), goes to UK and seraches for Job.

16 years ago

Originally posted by Santhosh Jali:
Any suggestions guys ?

Would be helpful if you could mention what type of company you are presently in (Banking,IT etc.) and the current package.
16 years ago

Originally posted by arr gem:
Dear all,
I'm about to get an offer to work in a famous Indian service company (contract job) in pune for a Junior developer position.
I'm currently living in Bangalore & holding a job in I.T
I want to know the cost of living in pune so that I can come to a conclusive decision about whether to accept the offer or not.
Also what about the exposure one can get there, as I'm in the nascent stage of my career.

Some points while considering Pune:

1. Rental deposits are much lower than B'lore.

2. Rent for 2 BHK in a good locality would be around 10k. This does not include posh localities like Aundh, Kalyaninagar, Magarpatta etc.

3. Since Pune has many colleges (and so a large student population) finding PG, mess and other student-centric facilities is easier.

In short, living cost is lower or equal to B'lore.

16 years ago

Originally posted by karan wankhade:
hi, i got an offer from [ company X ], i wanted to know how is the company, they are giving an long term onsite opportunity to france. What is the cost of living in France. And what are the career prospectus there. My current pkg is 7, how much i should ask them.

[ August 26, 2008: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]

This would be edited as company names are not allowed. Also giving some details about your platform/skills would be helpful, so as to provide meaningful answers.

16 years ago

Originally posted by Yatin Gupta:
Is my decision right???

Yes, I believe it is a right decision. As a fresher who is required to go through a rigorous learning ordeal, you have made a suitable decision. Big MNCs is not good for freshers as most of the time is spent doing monotonous and often unrelated work or on bench. Go with the startup...next company would look at your acquired skills and work experience.
16 years ago