babu mohan

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since Sep 29, 2005
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Recent posts by babu mohan

Hi,I am trying to do wsdl2java using axis2 wsdl2java class. i keep getting this error for one of the operations in wsdl. this operation is a notification type, meaning it does not have input but only output. I have all the necessary jars in the class path but i keep getting this error. the jars i use are :
all the axis lib jar and xalan,xerces,xmlapi.

Binding operation has no corresponding portType operation: name = getType, input name = null, output name = null
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.SymbolTable.populateBindings(
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.SymbolTable.populate(
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.SymbolTable.add(
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.SymbolTable.populate(

really apprciate help
15 years ago
Don't worry about the class scope, i need to traverse through the map using JSTL.

My aim is to pass a id to the map and retireve the corresponding value for that from the map and through the JSTL.

can anyone help me with this?
17 years ago
I have a Hashmap in the classscope. I wanna traverse through the key part which has ids, and find a id that i am interested in and get the value for that id from the value part.

i wanna do this in the jsp.

is there any taglib to do this? can someone helpme?

17 years ago
thanks for that Bear!!
18 years ago
Hi ,

does anyone know how to handle the axis fault exception?

is it declared in the code or..?

please guide

18 years ago
how can i use axis ant task to deploy my webservice when the server starts?

i use weblogic8.1 sp5 and axis 1.5..

is there any task which i can use to deploy mr service with WSDD file?

18 years ago

i am planning to take weblogic 8.1 certification. I am not very good at j2ee technologies. but iknow basics in servlets,jsp,jdbc and ejb.

how much time do i need to prepare for the exam and please refer me some books so that i can start preparing for the exam
19 years ago