ganga prabhu

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since Sep 29, 2005
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Recent posts by ganga prabhu

i heard that we can use sun logo in our resumes , for only 2 years after completion of it true
ok anybody clear my 2nd post doubt in this topic

You can't call static method from non-static one.

We can call static method from non-static method
but we cannot call non-static method from static method(without having object of the class)

hi somkiat

According to ur words

call to method1 should refer super class method1 but it is refering sub class method1(still we have base class references for that object)

why this happening
Someone plz clear this doubt

When the overriding method is commented it is printing super as output

my friend told that whenever a class is inherited and method in it is not overridden same code is inlined in derived class..

on the basis of it when variable is looked it should print sub only but how super is displaying

Anybody explain little bit clearly

one more thing, string literal pool can't have two same string literal.

No At runtime if a string is created through some string manipulation,a string is created in String pool and object is refer to it
Why designers keep finalize method as protected rather than public
Hi all

Clear this too.......

when we override a method, why we should have

-->subclass of that exception,
-->Same Exception
-->No Exception

Why We should not have super class of that exception
why static method looks on references and instance method looks on objects??
Hi all

I have one doubt while preparing for SCJP

What is differences between Overiding and Shadowing

Variables and Static methods are shadowing and instances method are overridden..??? how???

can some one explain little bit clearly