Kaustabh Singha Roy

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You can fire a tequest to a url from your JS function. There are some points ...

1. If your present page is test.faces then submit to the same url, ie. /root_path/.../test.faces
2. JSF uses some hidden fields to keep track from which view the request is coming from and uses this to decide the next navigation. You need to read these hidden fields and other form item parameters to the request url.

Happy success.
16 years ago
I am not absolutely sure but the fact is that the on form submit the form actually submits to the same page in the server. From the page depending on the action, event the flow is decided. In this case the HTML rendered view in the browser is no doubt editable but the component in the faces page in server is still a readonly. JSF knows it is readonly so do not attempt to check for its value change and updating the backing bean. I think this is the reason.

16 years ago
JSF provides the concept of event handling. This was absent in the Struts framework.

JSF provide a component orriented approach where Struts followed a page orriented approach. Both of these have their own negetibe and positive aspects.

JSF maintains a clearer flow definition in the config file.
16 years ago
There is an alternative available. The selectManyCheckbox component of the Tomahawk implementation provides options to specify the number of rows/cols in the rendered view.

16 years ago
I need to do something very similer to this, only insted of 2 I need 4 cols. Can anybody guide me how to associate the custom renderer to the standard component. Is a custom tag need to be created too?

Thanks and Regards.
16 years ago
Thanks, I have got solution of this problem. All we need to do is to use a value object to enclose the data of one row. This one level of abstraction is required. I am not sure however wheter this is intended behavior or a bug.

16 years ago

I actually tried that too. Like below

The problem is the texts should be displayed with the values in the property "names"(this is happening) and if the values are changed then the altered values should be stored bank in the respective position in the same property "names"(this is not happening).

[ January 16, 2008: Message edited by: Kaustabh Singha Roy ]
17 years ago

I have a form where the number of input is variable depending on database data. A series of <h:inputText> will appear which can be edited and on submit the altered values will be saved to the database. To hold the data I have a property of type ArrayList in the backing bean.

If I use the indexed property like the following then I am getting the proper effect..

All I need to do is make some arrangement so that the above list of text boxes apper dynamically depending on the number of items present in the bean property "name". I can not keep a fixed number of inputs as this will varry in number. I have tried a lot with the <c:forEach> to get this effect but without success. Can anybody help me out please.

Thanks in advance.

17 years ago
Thanks, yes that solves a part of my problem. But if the service is written in some other language(not in java) then I suppose some more coding will be required. or the same code will work there also?
17 years ago
Hi All,

I am using Axis2 1.3 as my WS engine. I want to send back a user devined value object from the web service. I searched a lot but didn't got any idea how to do this. Please offer me some idea.

Thanks in advance.
17 years ago
Hi, I am new to the spring frame work and I too need to know the same. Itried to look in the net to get some idea about the usage of the PagedListHolder but didn't get much. Could you sypply some code or some location from where I can get some idea of this. It would be greatly helpful.

Thanks for the idea anyway.

I can't see any problem except the first step. It will be better if you not create the projects directory in the webapps. Create it outside the tomcat installation. When you put the war file in the webapps directory it will be automatically extracted to a forder with name <war_name_without_ext>. I hope unpackWars attribute for the <Host> tag is true in your server.xml.
17 years ago
I have doubt how useful the Listener concept will be in case of a server failure. The listener too in running under the server and when the server itself is not stable then...

Sorry don't have much to contribute.
17 years ago
There should be the catalina.<date>.log files at your CATALINA_HOME/logs folder. And the errors should be logged to this.

17 years ago
I cant see any major error in those lines. I still like to suggest a couple of ideas. They may help.

1. Create a new directory inside the CATALINA_HOME and specify that as the appBase for your host. As the webapps folder is the appBase for the default host there remains scope for a mix up if the application base for a new host is inside the webapps directory.

2. Insted of specifying a . as the document base for the <Context> create a directory and place the path here. Your app directory can be enywhere in your file system. I am not sure that a . will not mean that the CATALINA_HOME itself is the document base.

Hope this produce some benefit for you.

17 years ago