Balaji Narasimhulu

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since Oct 04, 2005
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yes, the error is happening in the JAR file for the common classes, even though the common classes reside within the jar file.

But still, say if we avoid duplicating the common files within JAR and WAR file, instead of creating a separate JAR file as you suggested, say, we have the files within the WAR itself, can we make the code in JAR file refer to the common files within the WAR file?

The WAR doesnt required to know about the JAR file. The WAR file puts a message on the queue. The JAR contains an MDB which listens to the queue and starts processing the message put by the WAR file.

The JAR cant be put inside WAR's WEB-INF/lib as it needs to be deployed for processing the message.
Hi All,

We have a scenario in our application that, we have a JAR and WAR file. The JAR contains an MDB. WAR contains a web application. The deployment is on Websphere Application Server. Few of the common classes are required to be present in both the JAR and WAR files. When the JAR and WAR files were packaged as an EAR, the JAR file was getting loaded first, and therefore when the server was loading the WAR file, we encountered problems during loading the common classes by the Class Loader.

Thus, we are currently deploying JAR and WAR files separately. Deployment has been successful. But, now the problem is that when the MDB is getting invoked, we are encountering java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError within the execution of the JAR file, even though the class file is present in the JAR file.

Any ideas or advise please to overcome this error.


The solution you posted solved the problem.

19 years ago