Madhu Juneja

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since Mar 10, 2001
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Recent posts by Madhu Juneja

I am having problem installing weblogic server 6.1 on Windows XP. Has anyone tried this. Thanks.
22 years ago
I am having problem installing weblogic server 6.1 on Windows XP. Has anyone tried this. Thanks.
22 years ago
I have completed part I of SCEA. Given a choice of IBM's 486 or Part II SCEA which is the better choice, though in both one improves knowledge on UML. I am confused
2 more correct questions and u would have passed. May be next time you get prepared to get in 90s. Well, atleast you won the voucher from Javaranch. There are people who have paid and didn't get thru. This is how u need to convince yourself and get very goooooood score next time.
And concentrate on the areas where u didn't get thru as EJB, Internationalisation, Security, Legacy connectivity. Re-read oreilly (ejb), java tut(i18n), ibm Java 2 network security (security) and jamie and John's notes and legacy connectivity.
Please post any queries / doubts. Next time u will surely succeed.
I was about to say the same that I wish I had all these when I gave my exam. I think only this thread is sufficient enough to go to exam
This is just for the benefit of anyone requiring the Design Patterns by Cooper :
You can download the j2ee code camps from here :
part I is comprised of ejb1.1 and not ejb 2.0. Hence message driven beans is not part of exam.
Umesh, I read oreilly's ejb though I have not read wrox. And vivek is right. UML Distilled is sufficient enough for exam point of view though UML by three amigos and Applying UML patterns are also good.
Shivani, for design patterns I think that only definitions on page 8 from GOF is sufficient enough and also to know which patterns ejb Home, Remote and ResultSet follow. I will post the cooper link tommorrow.
Thanks vishaka for the right link.
Have mentioned the books / material (11 of them) in the same link. I started off with Oreilly's EJB though there is no continuity between one book and the other. Each has its own objectives. It is only a matter of convenience. And moreover one has to study the material more than once to understand better.
Or maybe you can try this link giving the IP Address instead of as
May be you have problems accessing IP Addresses with 195 series from that side of the globe. Just my guess.
What is the problem you are facing ? Are you able to go to the site ?
As I am able to go to the link and giving the user name and password it is taking around 20 to 25 minutes for the pdf to be displayed. And also I have tried in Netscape. I was able to access now too.
I tried again. It is working. But it takes longer for the pdf to load.

The authors of this book (also called IBM Red Book)
Marco Pistoia, Duane F. Reller
Deepak Gupta, Milind Nagnur, Ashok K. Ramani

This book can also be downloaded.
Refer for link: